Saturday, July 11, 2009

This is a Strategy?

House Dems to levy new tax on wealthy to pay for health care

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee Friday proposed a graduated tax on wealthy Americans to pay for health care reform, to several Democratic sources tell CNN.

The new tax would kick in for individuals who make over between $280,000 to $400,000 per year and for married couples who make from $350,000 to 500,000 per year, imposing a 1 percent tax on their adjusted gross income.
Is there really nothing new under the sun? This is what passes for ideas in today's Congress? Tax the wealthy? I mean, I know that new ideas have been short in supply in the 0bama administration so far - about as rare as a non-party hack in the admin - but this is just sad.

Equally sad - and frightening - is this little snippet:

Sources say the new tax is expected to bring in $540 billion over ten years. This new revenue, combined with approximately $500 billion in projected savings from health care reforms, would offset the roughly $1 trillion that the House Democrats' health care bill is expected to cost, they said. The Congressional Budget Office has not released its cost estimate yet on the House bill.
Got that? They're magically "saving" half a trillion dollars from "health care reforms" - can anyone point out what these magic reforms actually are? Are 0bama's magic unicorns going to start performing MRIs? This administration is now throwing around completely fabricated figures to the tune of trillions now.

Bruce had it right - we'll be seeing the term "quadrillion" with regards to the deficit or fed spending within the year.

That is all.


Home on the Range said...

I was in the last group of "wealthy" people who didn't get a "tax rebate".

My neighbors who make pretty much the same amount of money but the wife doesn't work, got one, but I didn't because I was single.

So I didn't get it and I didn't spend it, thereby boosting the economy. A lady I know, here legally and working legally, but NOT a citizen, got one. She was actually quite surprised she did. She sent hers home.

Which would have been the better person to get it in terms of using it to boost OUR economy?

I'm not even CLOSE to the figures here, but want to make a bet the rest of us will find our taxes going up to pay for "reformed health care". Of the stated "50 million" that are uninsured, it's been said that up to 20 million of those are here illegally. I'm not sure if that number is validated, but still believe that we will end up being taxed for it.

Anonymous said...

Easy - those "reforms" are all rolled up into the trillion dollar health care plan. After all, you have to spend money to save money!

This all somehow reminds me of three people passing a buck around again and again, and all of them proclaiming a hundred dollar income...

Anonymous said...

Well, as I understand it, $400,000,000,000 of it will come from saving in medicare. That is , the old folks medical care is going to be wacked for 400B. Can't wait for all the AARP obama voters to catch this one.