Monday, August 10, 2009

Calling All Rethuglican Operatives...

Protests planned for Obama N.H. visit
President Obama's town hall meeting on healthcare on Tuesday in Portsmouth, N.H., will almost certainly be far less of a free-for-all than the raucous ones that members of Congress have been having, filled with shouting matches, pushing and shoving, and even some arrests.

It is the president's first public healthcare event since the protests at town halls became big news -- and it is happening in the birthplace of the American ideal of town meetings and small-d democracy.

Since the media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) are going to claim that all the protestors are part of some "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" anyways, might as well give them the conspiracy, right? If you can make it, attend the dog-and-pony show. Just be wary of the bussed-in goonion thugs there:
The AFL-CIO said today that New Hampshire workers "will respectfully make the case for major health care reform and speak out against the ‘mob rule’ tactics of the opposition."

Because if there's one group that allows their adversaries to "respectfully make their case", it's the Teamsters, right Jimmy?

That is all.


Old NFO said...

DO we need to take up a collection for bail? :-)

DAve said...

Better print out plenty of these:

DAve said...

well that sucked, try THIS:

Jay G said...


No, no need for bail, sadly. I have to work today; you know, the whole "responsible adult" thing. I don't have a job where I get paid to agitate (although that would be kinda cool...)

Nice, DAve!

RW said...

The AFL-CIO said today that New Hampshire workers "will respectfully make the case for major health care reform and speak out against the ‘mob rule’ tactics of the opposition."

Conform, or else.

Comrade Misfit said...

Aw, gee, remember when it was the Right that was calling dissent "unpatriotic", "un-American" and even saying that dissenters were "treasonous"?

But now, when it is something the Right doesn't like, dissent becomes "patriotic".

Hypocrisy is not confined to the Right, of course, but after decades of equating dissent with being unpatriotic, this is rather galling.

RW said...

Aw, gee, remember when it was the Right that was calling dissent "unpatriotic", "un-American" and even saying that dissenters were "treasonous"?

No, I don't.
I remember a lot of people claiming that they'd been called those things, but when pressed to provide evidence the best they could manage was a link to some anonymous yahoo on the internet, or the like.

but after decades of equating dissent with being unpatriotic, this is rather galling.

Well, perhaps you can provide us with some evidence of these DECADES of equating dissent with being unpatriotic.

Not claiming that it's never happened, but I'd sure like to see some evidence since it supposedly is in abundance. Please.

Anonymous said...

Methinks our new "comrade" has been partaking of the Soros funded,DNC mixed, union-served, Pelosi/Reed-spiked kool-aid again.

Comrade Misfit said...

First, go about 4:30 into this clip from last night's Daily Show. And then there is this piece from 2005. Or you can go find all the comments from 2004 about how John Kerry "hates America" because he opposed the Vietnam War.

Spend some time with Google, if you want, and you can find other comments along the lines of "protesting the (insert name of country here) war is treason", which almost always seem to come from Right-wing politicians and similarly-minded bloviators on radio and in the press.

But hey, I understand selective amnesia. I also understand that you folks on the Right really believed the "durable Republican majority" line and you truly thought that you'd never lose the presidency, let alone the Congress. I can understand that you'd feel a sense of betrayal that the American people voted for the other guys.

RW said...

First, go about 4:30 into this clip from last night's Daily Show

Beautiful, straight from the left wing blogs.
First, we have Hannity saying that people are "angry", then we have Laura Ingraham (you obiously didn't know this, since you're playing the role of drive-by troll, but the context were protestors of the war who were carrying signs saying that it would be best if our soldiers were killed) saying that people who were actively rooting for our defeat were acting in an anti-American fashion (go figure) and Bill O'Reilly saying that some unnamed people were acting in a fascist manner.

Thank you for giving me a conservative commentator, a conservative commentator and a righty-populist commentator as a retort to the current speaker of the house of representatives saying that people yelling (uncouth, no doubt) during town halls are un-American. I figured this would be the best you'd be able to do. Let us know what happens when you complete your mediamatters search, too. You may find something from free republic!

then there is this piece from 2005.

A student. Passed along by PZ Myers. Uh-huh.

or you can go find all the comments from 2004

So much for the "decades" claim. You're so wanting for something (anything) that you're wanting me to find that which you obvioulsy made up.

But hey, I understand selective amnesia

And I understand bullshit.
Let us know when you find instances of something other than random yahoos (which is what I predicted you'd find) saying that DISSENT is un-American. And by "find instances" I mean what will happen: another desperate search to back up ridiculous claims that were baseless & will also end up, for the most part, fruitless.

Best guess: some talk show host on an AM radio station that no one's heard of. Bet that will be the basis of the 'decades', right?

Finally: love how "dissent" suddenly morphed into "people who were rooting for us to lose wars".

Having to change the foundation of your argument should've been your first hint that you'd been a bit too boisterous in your hyperbole.

I also understand that you folks on the Right really believed the "durable Republican majority" line

And with that, you ventured into "not worth my time" status.

I can argue with a carbon copy folks who spout nonsense like that as they you are a dime a dozen. Since I'm more into discussing issues with those more apt to independent thought, I'll bid you adieu (good luck with the search, though) as you click "google" and then "thinkprogress" or the aforementioned "mediamatters".


And, replaceable.

RW said...

Oh, jeez. I just clicked to read your blog.

I now apologize to Jay for using his web site to even engage....wish I'd followed my best instincts and ignored.

Have a nice life. Definitely not worth my time.

Comrade Misfit said...

So, RW, you accuse me of being close-minded and then decide that you are not going to engage?

Fine, then, so maybe you will accept this:

2006: You Lost.
2008: You Lost.

As a matter of fact, of the last five presidential elections, the Republicans have had a plurality one time.

See you next year. :)