Monday, August 10, 2009

Holster Bleg...

Quick question: Anyone out there in blogland use any type of belly band holster for concealed carry? It seems like it would be a decent alternative to a tuckable holster when deep concealment is needed, but my main concern is that the wrap-around style attachment would lend itself to the holster slipping or drooping.

Just curious if anyone has any experiences for good or bad with these types of holsters...

That is all.


The Big Guy said...

Check these out...



MeatAxe said...

If you get one, get a good one.

A few months ago, I read a post on The High Road (IIRC) about some guy who used a Thunderwear knockoff that he got at a gun show. Apparently the material bunched up around the trigger while he was moving around and when he sat down he shot one of his nuts off. Or nearly did. I may have some of the details wrong.

MeatAxe said...

OK, i found the link. My memory apparently has some holes in it. (not as many as this guy's junk,

Read on if you are not squeamish.

ASM826 said...

Thunderwear. However, I think keeping the chamber clear is a good idea. If you have time to dig it out of deep concealment, you have time to carry Israeli style and rack the slide when you draw.

ASM826 said...

Thunderwear is a deep concealment option.

However, keep the hammer down on an empty chamber. If you have time to dig it out of deep concealment, you have time to carry Israeli style (magazine inserted, but not cocked, no round in the chamber) and rack the slide when you draw.

EmmaPeel said...

I have one from Ray's Holsters in Florida. It actually wound up a little small so watch the sizing but I wear it with skirts and such that don't have belt loops.

Michael in CT said...

I have the Bianchi that I used to use with the Makarov. I didn't find it comfortable (or quick) at all. If it is a DAO revolver or a pistol with an active manual safety it's doable. But cocked and locked or with a Glock type trigger definitely requires an empty chamber

West, By God said...

If you get a belly band like Ray's or Uncle Mikes makes, do not, I repeat DO NOT put them in the dryer. At best, it'll shrink, at worst it'll screw 'em up bad. Ask me how I know that :)

I still have one cheapo off-brand one that I used to use to carry my keltec. I often forgot I was wearing it. I've used it to carry a .38 snubby as well with no discomfort. It is great when you have to be all tucked and neat and don't want to risk an IWB.

The guy at the gun store told me he was able to carry his Desert Eagle in his for a day (just for shits and giggles.) I don't doubt him either.

Heath J said...

I've got a relatively cheap one that I like. Carries the 638 really well, but an Officer sized 1911 is a bit heavy and noticeable.

The 1911 carries just fine, but it doesn't FEEL as good as the lightweight snubby.

YMMV, but I consider it a useful item in the CCW toolbox.

Guy I know from Indy carries 5.11 shirts that have snaps disguised as buttons to make drawing easier, LMK if you want that info.

Added though, Have you looked at the T shirt equivalent? It's pretty much a tight tank top with a holster sewn on one side and mag holders on the other. I like mine quite a bit.

Anonymous said...

I've puttered around with a belly band and a Thunderwear knock-off, and ultimately, went back to a pocket holster for my PF-9. During the summer, I carry that about 99% of the time, and you absolutely cannot tell.


Weer'd Beard said...

I have a Galco belly band and it works VERY well if I'm wearing baggy shorts and a t-shirt.

One thing to remember is wear an undershirt under the holster otherwise it will rub you a little, otherwise it's all-day comfort for one or TWO! small handguns (I carry my 642 in it, but any J-frame of subcompact pistol will fit...your G30 might even) AND a reload. Nice that it holds so much and requires no clothing support. I just put on an undershirt and my underwear, then the holster, then shorts and a t-shirt and go.

One complaint is that I wear it just below my hips under my shorts, I can do stand-up operations in the bathroom just fine with it, but sit-down work is best done by unsecuring the band and strapping it around my ribs for my activity, and then replacing the band after clean-up.

somthing to consider. Also if you want I can lend you mine if you want a test-drive.