Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Irony, She Is Thick Here...

I mentioned taking a day trip to Martha's Vineyard on my vacation to Cape Cod last week. While we were there, I was struck by the sheer volume of 0bama-themed merchandise. Now, granted,the President vacationing in one's locale is a big event, but to have such cheesy merchandise as:

Pander Much?

just makes you shake your head.

Some of the puckering was not commercial-driven:

Words Fail Me

This is one of the houses on Ocean Park. To the immediate left of the picture is the Atlantic. This is a multi-million dollar home, and most likely rents for close to five figures a week.

The ultimate irony, in both cases, is that the small business owner and the wealthy owner/renter of the house are the ones getting hardest hit by 0bama's policies. They're the ones who will suffer if 0bama gets his way; the ones who will shutter their doors as health insurance costs, increasingly complex regulations, and soaring minimum wage requirements force small businesses under. They're the ones whose paychecks will be raided for the money to pay for the social programs 0's rainbow farting unicorns have been promising.

They're fĂȘting a man who would cheerfully sign the warrant for their own economic death. How supremely ironic is that?

That is all.

1 comment:

Witin said...

If they had any common sense they wouldn't be liberals...