Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Quick Observation...

Some of my, err, more hopeful right-leaning brethren like to point to the existence of websites like "Hillary2012" to show that 0bama is going to face an uphill battle in 3½ years. The thought that 0bama might be challenged for the Democratic nomination - by no less than his Secretary of State, mind you - is indeed a comforting one for those of us who cherish freedom and support the antiquated notion of personal responsibility. However, it's just not going to happen...

Let's put it this way: I think there's a greater chance of Reagan taking on 0bama than Hillary...

That is all.


Andrew said...

I am not so sure. If O starts to look vulnerable, she might "have to do to it" to "save the party".

Look at her head-fakes. If she starts to rattle in her cage, look for a end-of-year resignation.

Atom Smasher said...

All she has to do is talk tough on spending and loving America and the Hillbeast will look as Right as Reagan compared to our current Dear Leader. I think she'd pull a LOT of the center, and I think she'll do it. She's gotten nothing but backhands and buttkicks since she signed on the to the King's Court, and where did I read recently that "Idle Clintons are the Devil's playthings"?

I think she's coming in 2012, and if she does it right, and the Dems keep screwing this country as hard as they have been the last year or so, she'll look like a White pant-suited Knight to a lot of folks.

TOTWTYTR said...

She hates O. Bill hates O. Biden hates O. I can see a challenge of a very unpopular President by someone who has spent four years building up her bona fides on foreign relations. He has let the cat into the hen house and I don't think he realizes it.

If the Stupid Party can find a candidate who can win in 2012, then the Democrats might just discover that their infatuation with President Feckless is over.

Remember, Ted Kennedy was on track to defeat Jimmy Carter in 1980, until the Carter camp brought up that unfortunate incident on Martha's Vineyard. There is precedent.

GunGeek said...

I've been saying it since before the election. Hillary is going to run for President in 2012. She's got all her people in the White House now (with the one notable exception) keeping tabs on things, doing whatever she wants to help her out. What was the one thing that everyone kept saying would keep them from voting for her?

Lack of foreign policy experience.

She managed to get the one job where she can claim more of that than anyone else.

Now she's going to step in and say "If only you had picked me instead of him four years ago..."

The way the DNC really does "select" as opposed to "elect" their candidate is also heavily in her favor.

Obama got elected because a whole lot of people wanted to be a part of "making history". Now that we have had a black president, all that support is gone. He barely squeaked out a win even with massive quantities of these history makers voting for him. Now that he's trashed the country, he can't win a fair election.

Now the Hildebeast just needs to get all those let's make history voters to want us to have a woman president and voila! she's in.

I'm convinced that it has been her plan since the day she stepped aside.