Saturday, September 12, 2009

9-12 Rally Update

Got two quick updates on the 9/12 Rally in DC. The first is from mopar, a Northeast Blogger participant and fellow Dodge enthusiast:
Hey Jay, we're here in DC as well. Feel free to repost any pics me or the Mrs post to FB. I gotta disagree with your main man Sci-fi though. The hippy's are outnumbered by the patriots in DC, the hippies just don't know it yet. The patriots are undercover until tomorrow. I'm here in DC, out and about wearing a Gadsden flag shirt, and my wife was wearing a "T.E.A. Taxed Enough Already" shirt.

You would not BELIEVE the level of support we got! Horns honking with drivers giving us a thumbs up (yes, I checked which finger!). People waving and high-fiving as we passed. Probably 30 or more people who actually stopped us to tell us they are here for the rally. We walked for several blocks talking with a woman from California. Her husband had to work, so she flew out here alone. Hung out at the Washington Monument for 15 minutes with a guy from TX who claimed to be a distant relative of Ted Kennedy. Met a nice older couple who DROVE here from AZ. The wife had hip replacement 3 weeks ago. Her husband fabricated special padding in their car to make her more comfortable for the ride. Met the editor of the North Carolina Freedom News ( and the guy from

Mrs. Mopar finally started making a list, we talked to fellow patriots from TX, CT, NJ, CA, AZ, IN, MS, GA, VA, OH, WV, FL, NC, and SC in the space of less then 1 hour. And that's just the ones who happened to mention where they were from! Several people (mostly from red states) had mentioned they were afraid to wear anything outside the actuall rally that might "print" them as a conservative. They feared attacks from the Libs. Being from a state that's only slightly better then MA; I guess we are used to dealing with it and arent afraid.

If it sounds like I'm fired up it's because I am! Tomorrow is going to be HUGE! As I've told several people, 9/12/09 will go down in history; one way or another. Either it will be remembered as the day Americans brought their country back from the brink of socialism; or it will be remembered as the beginning of the end. Either
way, Mrs. Mopar and I will both be trying to post pics to FB as the event happens. Again, feel free to use any you want.

And from my "man on the street" sci-fi and the of the rally at Walter Reed:
Most soldiers came or went by car or bus. If they were obviously carrying soldiers, we cheered and waved. A few soldiers came out on foot (presumably walking to a Metro station). Very few made any show of it, often just walking out behind the crowds and going on their way without fanfare, since they slipped past unnoticed. Once, while wewere facing the street and cheering, a soldier slipped away behind us,almost getting out unnoticed.

But something made him-- a literal hero of the Republic-- say something to us before he got out of earshot:"Thank you."

I spun my head around to see him, big smile, bigger rucksack, but very quiet voice.I was stunned but managed the best comeback possible:"No, thank YOU!" The crowd around us heard me and everyone else began shouting theirthanks to this unknown, anonymous soldier as he smiled politely andwalked on into the dark evening.

Keep up the good work guys.

That is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

quick update from Sci fi via Mrs. Sci fi

Just talked to him, He's walking down Penn. Ave,

I could hear people shouting over the phone, he translated " USA, USA, USA..."

when I asked him to estimate the crowd, sci fi said he was unable to as he couldn't see the end of the people...

while live pic are limited to life of iphone battery he does have a digital camera too and more picture will be available tomorrow