Saturday, September 12, 2009

9-12 Rally Update #2

Okay, got a whole slew of updates...

First off, here are the reports sci-fi has been kindly e-mailing to me from Washington D.C.:

10:09 AM
Metro inbound to DC
LOTS of tea party folks now

11:31 AM
The revolution will not be televised... But it will be blogged

11:47 AM
Note to Nancy p and Harry r... Look out your windows...

11:48 AM

Some pics need no explanation

11:55 AM

Got Tar?

3:02 PM

Greetings from Grant's statue

And a shot of the crowd:

And a couple quotes from sci-fi left on my voice mail:

"I've never seen so many Gadsden flags in my entire life"


"Just missed the 'Down with ACORN' chant and the 'Washington needs an enema' chant"

That's our "man on the street" update from the 9-12 Tea Party Rally in Washington DC. Don't believe anything the MSM tells you - this was a BIG event.

Now let's hope they hear us.

That is all.


Christina RN LMT said...

Fox news has been reporting, Jay...just saw it on my lunch! These rallies/protests are going on all over the country, and I'm glad.

Thanks for the updates!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen anything like this in my life! They were saying the crowd was larger then Nobama's inaugeration! ABC news (and we know which way they lean) was estimating 1.5 million people.
Obama, Pelosi, and Reid: CAN....YOU....HEAR....ME....NOW?

SCI-FI said...

More pics when I have a decent wifi connection and POWER FOR MY iphone.

(I am on public terminal in MLKjr Public Library)

Paladin said...

Thanks for the updates Jay, and thanks to SCI-FI too... it will be interesting to see if the MSM can avoid covering the massiveness of the event. Perfect timing for this event - with Obama stepping up the campaign-like pep rallys to gain back ground.

Anonymous said...

Hearing us is one thing, and almost guaranteed.

Caring about what we have to say is another matter entirely.

And doing something? Well, that is the question.

Anonymous said...

Pics are uploading now. It's gonna take some time on the hotel connection, so I'm going out for dinner while it's uploading. Check out in awhile to see what's there. I took something like 400 pictures, I'll sort out the junk when I get home.

Old NFO said...

DC media is, of course, playing it down... idjits...

the pistolero said...

"Obamacare-Soylent Green." Now THAT is Made. Of. Win.

jetfxr69 said...

And the Tamalanche begins in 10, 9, 8, .... now!!!