Thursday, September 3, 2009

Better Idea...

New airport name sought to honor Kennedy

A Massachusetts lawmaker is calling for Logan International Airport to also include Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s name, in what is likely to be one of a series of proposals to memorialize the senator’s nearly half-century of legislative accomplishments.

Representative Lori Ehrlich, a Marblehead Democrat, filed a bill yesterday that would name the airport Logan-Kennedy International Airport.

I've got a better idea. How about we renamed the Ted Williams Tunnel the "Ted Kennedy Tunnel"? It's part of the Big Dig, which Kennedy was instrumental in securing for the (alleged) benefit of MA (and the funding for which Kennedy was able to hold over Paul Cellucci's head so that Teddy faced an unsupported GOP challenger in 2000 after his near-disasterous 1994 re-election against Mitt Romney).

And when someone finally drowns after it fills with water, it would be more fittingly named...

That is all.


Bob S. said...

There are some new outhouses being built at every Scout Camp.....maybe we could name a few of those after Kennedy.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Logan had a sea-plane basin.

libertyman said...

I suppose naming a bridge after him would be out of the question...

Anonymous said...

There's a bridge in Chappequideck (sp?) that should have his name on it...