Friday, September 18, 2009

Blogroll Updates...

The blogroll giveth, and this week the blogroll taketh away... Going through the 'roll a while back for my Sunday linkfest, I came across several blogs that were no longer functional. Obviously there's no point in them remaining on the blogroll, but I wanted to post them in case they had changed names/hosting/etc. and I somehow missed it. There's also new blogs to add!

Starting off with the sad news, the blogs that are no longer with us:

1. End the War on Guns
2. Freedom Under Fire
3. Texas Gun Nut

If anyone knows the whereabouts these guys, new homes, etc., please let me know!

And the new blogs:

1. Misanthropic? Me? Inconceivable. - with a tagline of "Misanthropes need people; without a steady supply, the misanthrope cannot fully apply his art", how can you miss?

2. Doin' the time warp....... - another one with a good tagline: "The continuing adventures of a living historian, retired cop, gun crank and lover of life who doesn't know what he wants to do when he grows up. (If ever)". Heh.

3. Top of the Chain, A man with opposeable thumbs - known as totc in the Gunblogger Conspiracy, if for no other reason than the stated purpose of his blog: "I'll also use this blog to demonize and degrade the likes of The Brady Campaign, the Violence Policy Center and Mayor's Against Illegal Guns. I'll call them out for the bigots that they are, the social equivalent of the KKK." I like it!

So welcome aboard to the new folks, and a fond farewell for those blogs that have disappeared into the ether. Once again, if you have information on possible new whereabouts of these defunct blogs *or* if you have MArooned on your blogroll and are not listed yourself, please drop me a line and let me know.

Now go, read and enjoy the bloggy goodness.

That is all.
Keep your


Michael W. said...

Thanks for the linky-love.

I have enjoyed keeping up with your blog, particularly since I am good friends with the lovely Miss Nancy and the effervescent and future dead shot Miss Susan. -grin-

Old NFO said...

I'll go check em out! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay, just added MArooned to my blogroll. Was wondering if you could add a fellow MA blogger onto yours as well. Good stuff on your site as always.

My Simple Life


Jon said...

Thanks, big guy!