Friday, September 18, 2009

For Members of the Tribe

Wishing my Jewish readers (both of you) a L'Shana Tova as we approach sundown today.

May you have an easy fast.

That is all.


Paul from Texas said...


Well, I'm one of the MOTs who read you on a regular basis. I suspect that there's more than 1 more - not all of us are insane liberals (sorry, I know, that's an oxymoron). Heck, I know 2 like-minded MOTs just over your border in NH who each have enough guns & ammo to outfit a revolution in a small Latin American country.

Anyhow, I'm planning on a big feast tonight. We don't have to fast until Yom Kippur, which starts next Sunday night and ends Monday night. Until then, I'm eating.

Thanks for everything you do - the idiocy of the anti-gun fanatics has to be pointed out, factually disproven and, hopefully, ridiculed. It is the beginning of pushing back, though getting back to where our gun rights ought to be (somewhere on the other side of 1934) is a long, long journey. Keep up the good work.

Starik Igolkin said...

Thank you, Jay.
Let's see if there's more than 2 of us here ;)
Paul, btw, you're missing the fast of Gedalia this coming Monday ... or perhaps, you're not missing it at all ;)

Brad_in_MA said...


MOT #3 checking in . . . thank you for the kind wishes. We fast next week, sundown Sunday through one hour past sundown Monday.

Today my family & I did like many American Jews. We went to temple last night and today, then went to our favorite Chinese restaurant for lunch.

Tonight we're having semi-traditional Jewish holiday dinner . . . .

1) Wild field green salad with pine nuts, tart apple slices & gorganzola cheese
2) Matzah balls in chicken soup
3) Herb-infused roasted chicken
4) Lightly sauted asparagus
5) Lemon glazed blueberry pound cake.

There's five for dinner this evening . . . with enough for for 15. And while food is an important part of Jewish culture, Rosh Hashanah is not one of the "they tried to kill us, we survived, let's eat" kind of holidays.

-- Brad