Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Good Friends...

Lookie what arrived in the mail the other day:

Thanks Ricky!

Gotta love presents from da blogfaddah... Ricky saw this and just knew it had my name alllll over it. Not only does it match my age and favorite caliber, but my favorite revolvers, too... Appreciate the thought, love the gift man!

Think I'll wear it to the parent-teacher conference coming up... heh...

That is all.


RW said...

I only wish I'd also bought you the "Yes, that IS a gun in my pocket" one to match. :)

wolfwalker said...

Think I'll wear it to the parent-teacher conference coming up... heh...

Make sure you have your lawyer on speed-dial, for after the GFW teacher calls the cops on you for threatening it.