Tuesday, October 27, 2009

And Speaking of Senator Kennedy...

There was a debate last night to see which of the four dwarves will replace him in the US Senate.

Rivals sound a Kennedy theme

In their first debate of the campaign, the four Democratic candidates for US Senate sparred gently last night, each seeking to play to a liberal base and win recognition as the rightful heir to the seat once held by Edward M. Kennedy.

The debate allowed the four to highlight their candidacies and their themes: US Representative Michael E. Capuano played to his blue-collar progressive roots and his insider political skills; Attorney General Martha Coakley was crisp and efficient, showing a command of the issues and making a point to address the camera; Stephen G. Pagliuca and Alan Khazei presented their nonpolitical backgrounds as assets.

It also allowed all four to basically parrot every pie-in-the-sky social program and 0bama "must-have" Unicorn wish list out there. Close Gitmo? It's there. Pull out of of Iraq and Afghanistan? You betcha. Free health care for everyone? Check. Free tuition for illegal immigrants? Got it. If it's a fringe left-wing position, they were for it. If it had anything to do with Bush/Republicans, it was more evil than red meat.

SNL couldn't have written a better parody of a debate held amongst Democrats to succeed Ted Kennedy. Every hackneyed cliché, every worn-out boogeyman, every time-honored tool in the Demo bag of tricks was taken out, slavered over, and put back. It was like this was nothing more than a chance for each of the four to state, officially and for the record, that yes, they were a MA Democrat.

Too bad that, once again, the joke of Massachusetts will be on the rest of the nation.

That is all.

1 comment:

libertyman said...

It's funny -- I can't even think of the guy's name who was appointed to Kennedy's seat