Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ya Think?

Police: Cop Pulled Gun On Haunted House Character
BALTIMORE -- A Baltimore city police officer was charged with assault after he pulled a gun on a haunted house character over the weekend.

Baltimore County police said Sgt. Eric Janik, 36, pulled his gun on a haunted house employee dressed up as the killer from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" at the House of Screams show in Essex on Sunday.

Police said Janik also appeared to be drinking.

NO SHIT SHERLOCK! I mean, I know I always wave my gun around at haunted houses when I'm stone-cold sober. That's got to be the understatement of the year. In a sad, sick way I guess I should be happy that this was a law enforcement officer, because now it won't be used as a "ZOMG Gun owners can't be trusted".

What is moderately surprising is that the officer in question was suspended without pay and may actually be charged with a crime. There's nothing in the article to indicate if he was taken down by a SWAT team like you or I would be if we were drunk and waving a loaded firearm around, though. What pisses me off is that this guy was fucking hammered with his nine year old daughter present. Having a gun on him makes it more dangerous, of course; I have to wonder what other shenanigans that poor girl has witnessed...

Some days, just when you think we've hit bottom as a species, some fool produces a shovel and starts digging...

That is all.


Robb Allen said...

I hate to tell you this, but we've not only hit the bottom, but the gov't has declared that the diggers have a right to dig and that the rest of us should start putting more soil underneath their shovels.

TheAxe said...

On the radio this morning they said his excuse was that the gun was holstered and his daughter may have moved his shirt exposing it, now it seems he's at least admitting it was out. He should be honest about what happened. Also they said that according to witnesses he was pretty trashed not just a little drunk. I feel pretty bad for the daughter too;

"He said the sergeant held his screaming daughter close to scary characters and that when it came time to give chase, "I went after the adults" because the girl was crying."

All the cops I know are great guys it's too bad this jerk did this.

MeatAxe said...

Subtitle: We're The 'Only Ones' Drunk Enough to Confuse A Guy in A Costume With A Real Serial Killer

libertyman said...

Errrr when is your role as Igor being reprised?

Ross said...

Several years ago, I volunteered at the haunted house that Montgomery Lodge in Milford put on as a fundraiser (Worcester Magazine rated us as the BEST haunted house in MA, I might add!). They had me in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre scene, too.

It was set up so that I was hidden from the customers, with a girl tied to a chair where they could see her. She was about 15, and a VERY good actress - she'd get them suckered in close and start telling them to run, that "he" is coming... and about then, I'd hit the sound system - playing the soundtrack of a chainsaw. I'd come running out of hiding with a REAL chainsaw in my hands (no chain on the bar).

It's a tossup as to whether my fondest recollection is of the 15 year old boys (you know, the ones that are all telling their friends how NOT scared they are?) jumping back in fright and hitting the wall behind them... or the Milford cop who did the same thing. He didn't pull his gun, though. ;-)