Monday, October 19, 2009

Can We Just Stop, Please?

Am I the only one who is:

a) Sick to death of hearing the phrase "balloon boy hoax"; and
b) Shaking my head because by making it a 24/7 news story we're giving this psychotic family exactly what it wants???

"I don't care what the papers say about me, as long as they spell my name right" indeed...

That is all.


Bob S. said...

If there was a conspiracy for them to get air time, charge everyone who is reporting the issue as part of the conspiracy

Caleb said...

Shouldn't we be calling him "box boy" anyway, since he was never in the fucking balloon?

Jay G said...

I would think "Boy whose parents are publicity whores" ought to do it.

Except, of course, that it doesn't narrow it down all that much...

Michael in CT said...

I'm kinda hoping they spell his name right on the criminal indictment.
It's stuff like this that makes me glad I didn't get cable and never bothered to get the converter box when broadcast TV went digital this past summer. Well this and the really crappy shows

Sabra said...

I'm so, so glad I was not keeping up with the news last Thursday. I didn't even hear it on the radio. I'm avoiding it as much as I can now. (Helped immensely by the whole not owning a TV thing.)

TOTWTYTR said...

No, you're not the only one. I was sick of hearing about whenever it happened. All the people going on and on about indictments and restitution are just prolonging the stupidity. They want the publicity. To be followed by the inevitable Oprah appearance, a book deal, and TV "reality" show.

Enough, be gone already.

Interestingly, the word verification is "exesse". Close enough.

Steve said...

You have to watch the other hand with the state run media and their masters in DC. While box boy, his mongoloid parents and Rush Limbaugh's make believe plantation were all over the news, congress and the tsars were eyeing our shorts. For example, the NIH is now going to resume the gun ownership is a health issue studies that the CDC used to sponsor. Did anyone notice that this is "service week" in sitcom land.

I wish I was paranoid, because in reality this crowd makes Penn & Teller look like a 3rd grade Rex Trailer MDA carnival.