Monday, October 19, 2009

A Note on Personal Hygiene...

Look. If you're going to cut your hair in the men's room at work, at least have the common decency to PICK UP THE FUCKING CLIPPINGS rather than leaving them strewn around the sink. That is just plain ol' nasty.

Common courtesy. Get some.

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

WTF do you work in a College Dorm or something?

I'm the King of DIYS hair cutting, and I at least have the goddamn common courtesy to do it in my own bathroom, and sweep the floor when I'm done.

Bgg said...

Take a look at this article I happened across on Mental Floss within minutes of reading your post.

That's eerie....

btw - big fan and I visit lots :-)

RW said...

What WB said.

Also, 'tis easiest to do it in your own shower, then simply watch it go down the drain as you lather up, shower & wash your hair afterwards. A true engineer knows this is the ultimate in efficiency. :)

Z@X said...

Whoops! Sorry...

Mike W. said...

At least he didn't shave his pubes and leave em there.....

tjbbpgobIII said...

I once worked with a guy who had some responsiblity who had a bad habit of hawking up in the water fountain and I being the blunt sort of person I am called him on it in no uncertain terms. The habit was immediately altered and I recieved many pats on the back from my more than useless co- workers who hadn't a clue on how to stop the behavior. "Can't abide rude behavior in a man, won't stand for it".