Friday, October 9, 2009

Don't Mess With Texas, Part ???

Suspect in home invasion dies after crash
A man suspected of breaking into a Southeast Bexar County home early Thursday morning died after he was shot by the homeowner and crashed his vehicle while fleeing from the home, authorities said.

Authorities believe Cardell Deon Joseph, 24, of San Antonio, kicked in the back door of a home in the 11400 block of South Foster Road around 5 a.m., said Deputy Ino Badillo, spokesman for the sheriff's office.

A man who owns the home heard the ruckus, authorities said, and shot the suspected thief once in the ribcage with a semi-automatic weapon. Joseph ran out of the home without taking anything, Badillo said, and the homeowner called 911.

Yeah, kick in my back door at 5AM and you're likely to catch a couple to the breadbasket as well. It's unclear as to whether the cause of death was the accident or the gunshots; I'll put this in the dead goblin column regardless - the car wouldn't have crashed had he not been shot...

And once again, don't mess with Texans. Those crazy sumbitches'll shoot your dumb ass...

Dead Goblin Count: 30

That is all.

Thanks to Sabra for e-mailing this uplifting story!


SpeakerTweaker said...

Saw this one on the news this morning. Dude flipped the automobile into someone's front yard, but they said he'd lost a ton of blood by then. Certainly it caused the crash.

Either way, it's a Dead Goblin. Shuffle off how you will, just shuffle off:)

You know, I'm starting to buy into the whole Blood In The Streets argument. Seems that (particularly in Texas:) there's plenty of Dead Bad Guy blood in the streets.

Keep it up, and you'll have to have a subcategory on your DG count!


agg79 said...

Damn right.
Remember, even our inmates are armed (

Alan said...

We're not crazy!

We just don't see any reason to trouble the state with a messy capital punishment trial when we can take care of it right away.

Weer'd Beard said...

I suspect if the crash killed him, the GSW contributed to the crash. A Sucking Chest wound does hamper one's driving style!

Anonymous said...

That's a pretty good string of bad luck. At least he doesn't have to worry about his new, higher insurance premiums, thanks to removing himself from the gene pool.

Word verification : peniz
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