Sunday, October 11, 2009

Paging Mr. T...

Got home last night from shopping, laid this out on the table, and had to chuckle at the picture it presented:

Just Need the "T"

All I need is something in the tobacco family here...

That is all.


libertyman said...

Careful, they have an "E" on the end of their name now.

Jay G said...

I should have made chili...

Brad_in_MA said...


Nice haul, but I had a different take -- like that's a surprise. Wunder-ninez as a "long hammer" rounds just doesn't jive in my mind. Long hammer pictured with .375 H&H or .416 Rigby -- now that's a match. My $0.02.

- Brad

Sabra said...

Heh, I was gonna say you need explosives too. In my family we've always got at least some firecrackers laying around.

Weer'd Beard said...

FYI, .45-70 is MUCH more a "Long Hammer" than 9x19.

Great pic!