The goal of National Ammo Day is to empty the ammunition from the shelves of your local gun store, sporting goods, or hardware store and put that ammunition in the hands of law-abiding citizens. Make your support of the Second Amendment known--by voting with your dollars!Today is the seventh annual Ammo Day, and I'm proud to say I've participated every year. Here's this year's haul:

Goal X 10
Okay, so I got a little more than 100 rounds this year. Ammo's been scarce. Catch as catch can and all that...
- 100 rounds of .38 Special
- 100 rounds of .380 ACP
- 50 rounds of 9mm
- 1100 rounds of .22LR
1,350 rounds of ammunition found their way into the G. ammo locker today (okay, technically, this past weekend, but it's the spirit of the thing...). The .38 Special and .380 ACP will be used for CCW training for the j-frames and the P3AT; the 9mm will feed the Sig P226 for a new shooter outing; and who doesn't love a couple bulk packs of plated ammo?
This weekend, we burn some of this haul...
That is all.
If you look at the package price at WalMart, sometimes 2 50 round boxes are less than the 100 "Value Pack".
I have found .40 S&W to be cheaper than 9mm (Do you have a .40?) I do see ammo trickling back on the shelves. -- I'll pick some up today, if I can get out.
200 357
100 9mm
500 38
Did my part...Range time needed
The goal of National Ammo Day is to empty the ammunition from the shelves of your local gun store, sporting goods, or hardware store and put that ammunition in the hands of law-abiding citizens.
Seems to me we've been doing that pretty much non-stop since about January of last year.
I got 250 rounds of 9mm and 1100 rounds of .22 Federal copper plated ammunition. If I wasn't leaving for Texas on Saturday, I'd have probably got more.
As it is, a trip to Military Gun Supply for some MilSurp goodies is in the menu for the Texas trip.
@Libertyman: Yea, the 40rnd boxes are cheaper per round then the larger quantities....BUT.....
Wallyworld still has the 6 box limit. So, do you buy 6 50-rnd boxes, or 6 250-rnd megapacks to save 1 penny a round?
OK, current haul, combined between the Mrs and me:
3320 rnds of .22
250 rnds of 9mm
450 rnds of .45acp
She's gonna stop one more time on the way home to see if we can't up those numbers a bit more.
Hi Mopar. My recollection was that the 100 round box was more than two fifties. But yes, if we can only get 6 of anything, let's get the bigger boxes. Come on up to the bloggerfest that Jay is proposing, and buy a bunch here in sales tax free NH. ( No hassles with buying as an out-of-stater, either.
Liberyman: yup, the 50 rnd boxes are usually cheaper per round, although today the 100rnd boxes of 45 I bought at one Walmart came out to essentually the same price per round as the 250rnd boxes my wife bought at a different one. And yes, whenever I am in my future home state of NH I stock up. I musta missed a post about the upcoming dinner being in NH though? Last I saw there was talk about Boston or Portland ME?
Oh, and to keep on topic, my lovely (and well armed) wife added some more to the Ammo Day haul. Take my last post and add 250 rnds of 9mm, 50rnds of .44mag, and 250rnds of .45acp.
Chantilly this weekend. .308 Match and .38 Special is on the list.
Only 200 rounds, but they didn't have much in calibers that I actually shoot.
I bought one brick of Wildcat for the .22's Thursday @ Academy, and 3 50 rd boxes each .40 and 9mm at Wally World. I then proceeded to burn off 150 rds 9mm and about 100 .22. If I had MY stimulus money (yeah, right. grin)I could have bought more.
The fact that you were able to find a 100 round pack of WWB .380 makes me angry. And jealous, but mostly angry. I haven't seen any mega-packs of .380 in months.
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