Here's the holster with the G30:

New leather!
It's a great looking holster, and the forward cant makes for a comfortable, easily-concealed rig. One of the things that jumped out at me was how comfortable it was in the truck - even in the traditional 4 o'clock position, it didn't dig into my kidney like most other holsters do in the car. Presentation is excellent, with the cant allowing for a natural angle for drawing. Once the holster breaks in I'll work on the actual draw, so no comment on that; so far, though, it's an excellent holster for the money.
Now, anyone got any tips on breaking it in faster?
That is all.
Now, anyone got any tips on breaking it in faster?
Wrap the gun in 2 layers of saran wrap, shove gun into holster, leave overnight. Repeat as necessary, but take it slow, you can't shrink it back!
Oil it up good, stuff two or three baseballs into the pocket, and wrap it with a shitload of rubber bands. Wait, no, that's a baseball glove... What pdb said, but I like to use a little neatsfoot oil or something similar while I'm at it for most of mine.
Now that's a dead-sexy holster! What smart shopper turned you on to that little beauty?!? ;-)
I've just been leaving my Bersa in my JMG and haven't had any problems after a couple days wearing it, broke in perfectly. I wouldn't use Neatsfoot or mink oil, though - it softens the leather a bit too much, and especially on formed holsters can destroy the fit.
plastic sandwich bag over the gun overnight usually breaks 'em fast. I recommend some heavy duty dry fire time over that though, give you two a little time to feel each other out.
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