Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I'm going to put on my Karnac the Magnificent hat this morning. I'm going to make a two-part prediction about the news media's reaction to the interim elections held yesterday.

A) If the Democrats win 50.01% or more of the races, it's going to be heralded as "the power of 0bama" or some other such sickening platitude about our Dear Leader and his dancing unicorns;


B) If the Republicans win 50.01% or more of the races, it's going to be either 1) racism or 2) a mis-informed electorate's punishing of 0bama for not being able to clean up the messes left by the Bush administration fast enough.

Let's see just how close I am, shall we?

That is all.

UPDATE: Well, it certainly seems that "B" was the way to go. How did the media react? Pretty predictably:

Analysis: Elections not a referendum on Obama

I'm certain that if the Democrats had won in VA and NJ that would still have been the headline, right?



libertyman said...

A bit cynical are we? Actually, you have it right. Let's see.

Ross said...

Well, far be it from me to play down the Communist News Network's opinion (or even AGREE with them), but I gotta point out that Corzine is pretty well despised in NJ. (I still have friends behind the Turnpike Curtain). Couldn't say what it means for VA, but wasn't the Dem incumbent pretty anti-gun?