Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What's In A Name?

Jeanette from* e-mails me with the following story:

One Man, 36 Gun Nicknames
Last week, we gave you some of the craziest gun nicknames that have appeared throughout history. This week we offer up 36 original nicknames that all come right out of one man’s arsenal.

The gentleman, who decided it was best to remain anonymous, was kind enough to let us take a peek at his gun collection. Not only was he kind enough, he was thorough enough to remember why he gave his guns pet names like Baby Nasty and Frankenlove.

Go take a read - it's pretty interesting to see the thought that goes into some of the names.

I've never gotten into the whole naming of guns. Oh, I understand why people do it, don't get me wrong; I just don't get that involved with my hardware... I've tried, certainly - I've named cars I've owned in the past (1985 GMC Jimmy was "Lurch" for the way it cornered; the Ram I'm driving now is "Brunhilda"...); why not rifles? Well, it just doesn't seem to stick for me - I've tried referring to my Mosin-Nagant 91/30 as "Olga", but 99 times out of a 100 I'll just say "Mosin Nagant 91/30" - the name just doesn't stick for me.

So... To name or not to name, that is the question...

That is all.

*mental note: add to blogroll


scotaku said...

Any Moisin-Nagant begs to be called MoNa. To me, anyway. And the only inanimate thing(s) I've ever gotten into naming have been my Macs. 3Jane, Yumik0, acchan... oh, the stories they could tell.

Which is why I tend not to name inanimate things.

ExurbanKevin said...

I don't have any pet names for my guns because I don't give nicknames to inanimate objects of any size, shape or colour.

Ok, I take that back. I had a 1984 Nissan pickup with 225k miles on it that I called "Supertruck", because the darn thing just kept on running.

BillH said...

No names here either, for guns or vehicles. Tried to think of one for an AK once... after a few tries I felt silly and gave it up.

I don't feel silly about the dozen or so pet names I call my Sweetie ;-)

Maureen said...

Ummm, I hate to contradict my humble host, but ....What about the Snubbie From Hell(tm)???

Weer'd Beard said...

My M44's name is "Sergei" and that's why I wouldn't sell it to you! ; ]

My SKS is named "Lucy"

I've been known to call my Model 60 the "Squirrel Assault Rifle"

I call my Mossberg 590 "Trench Broom"

Other than that my others just get called what they're called.

Well my S&W1911Sc gets called "Carry Gun" a lot...but that's not really a NAME per-se.

SCI-FI said...

And now, for Counterpoint:

Almost every man I've ever met has named three things in his life: his dog, his car, and his 'unit.'

If I had one particular gun, I'd probably name that, too. (If I had a brood of 30+ guns, well, probably not.)

Practical? No. Fun? Well, that depends.

Jay G said...

Maureen, that's more of a description than a name...


New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Only the rifle I bought with Nancy Pelosi's stimulus check is named. I call it "Gummint Cheez."

I figure Nancy appreciated my efforts to help the retail economy by spending that money on a lever rifle.

Michael W. said...

O.K. I will cop to it, although I name vehicles more than weapons.

Ol' Loudmouth, My 1911 knock off.

Old Man Comfort, My model 36 nickel plated S&W.

Surprise, My Charter Arms Bulldog Pug

Great White, My Dodge Ram pick up.

ASM826 said...

I know people do name them, but I haven't felt the need. Not a hit on those who do, and if a name attached itself to one, I would use it.

Like a 1911 called "Freedom", or a Garand called "The Warrior".

I like "Surprise" for a Charter Arms Bulldog, because that is just what it would be.

Strings said...

I only name things when I have a reason.

My 1991a1 compact is simply "Sam". And only because it's easier to say (and confuses people who know). By the same token, the Beretta is "Pete". Spoon's Kimber is (predictably) "Kim". Does make asking if you're armed easier: "Is Sam with you tonight?" "No... Pete"

A friend has a Colt Gold Cup that's "American Express", to help her to remember not to leave home without it...