Monday, November 9, 2009

YHGTBSM, Part 376

Neighbors aim to silence Old Ironsides’ cannons
Old Ironsides’ upscale Charlestown neighbors are trying to pull off what British, French and Barbary pirate guns failed to accomplish in more than two centuries - silencing the cannons of the nation’s oldest commissioned naval vessel.

Miffed residents of a posh condo complex have invited the commanding officer of the USS Constitution over for a glass of wine so he can hear for himself that the frigate’s twice-daily cannon blasts - a tradition dating to 1798 - are “more disruptive to the neighborhood than you might have imagined.”

Um, two words: FUCK and YOU. Die in a fire, yuppie scum. The cannons have resumed being fired since 1975, beeyotches. DYFH - Do Your Fucking Homework. Unless you can prove that you bought your condo BEFORE they resumed the firing of the cannons, shut your damn quiche hole.

Here's what's so objectionable:
The daily gun salute - halted in the early 1900s and revived in 1975 - requires naval officers to fire from one of the working guns every day at 8 a.m. and again at sunset.

Got that? 8 AM and sunset. Not like they're firing off a shot at 5AM and midnight here. Excuse me if I can't work up a pantload of sympathy for these poor, put-upon yuppies who chose to live near Old Ironsides and didn't investigate what that entailed. Caveat emptor, indeed...

These types of people piss me right the hell off. They come into a neighborhood completely ignorant of the surroundings - or they arrogantly figure that things will change to suit them. Something tells me this complaint isn't going to get very far - even in über-liberal MA, it's not very likely that snottie yuppies in Charlestown are going to silence a working piece of American history.

At least we can hope, right?

That is all.

Link to story sent to me by, well, just about everyone. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Think that they would be happier living next to a mosque, with the five-time daily call to prayer, with a highly amplified voice speaking a non-English language?

Patrick said...

Reminds me of the people who moved in near a gun club here in New Jersey and then tried to get the club shut down. Fortunately, the club prevailed, but being that it's New Jersey, the club now has stupid restrictions on outdoors firing -- every other Saturday, never on Monday, etc. The rules seem designed to catch someone tripping up.

Mike W. said...

This is like the folks who move in near a firing range that was there decades before them, then complain about noise and try to shut the place down.

I guess they can't be bothered to do a damn bit of research about the area they'd like to live in.

Weer'd Beard said...

patrick the same problem has plagued just about every gun club in Mass as well.

My Club has been in continuous operation since the 1870s. Now there are houses and buildings all around it, and those people have the gall to bitch about the noise.

One asshole bought a box of .22 shells and threw them up onto his roof, and then called the cops to report bullets hitting his house.

The police removed several unfired .22 rounds from his rain gutter and told him to get a life.

David said...

Dude. Epic rant.

Nancy R. said...

I bet it was French wine, too.

Anonymous said...

We've got a similar problem here in Utah. The Salt Lake Valley is becoming densely populated and people are building large homes right next to the state prison. Now those residents are demanding that, "for safety sake," the state move the prison.

You think they would have noticed a 700 acre facility when they were building their damn house!

Stretch said...

Hope the good Captain double charges the full broadside and lets loose with mixed shot and grape right at the Condo Commandos.

Comrade Misfit said...

The same sort of crap happens near every airport, too. People move into homes right under the flight paths and then it is "zOMG, those panes are loud! And might fall on my house!!1!"

The Navy ought to load some iron shot into those cannons.

Gabe said...

I hope they serve some cheese with their whine...

PeterT said...

Ah yes, gun clubs and airports... My brother keeps his c-182 at Lee Airport just outside of Annapolis, MD. So jackass developers built a sub-division of McMansions right next door... The Real Estate Liars, er sales people, told the buyers that the airport was in the process of closing down. Do you think the average buyer tried to check that out? We have a 'club house' over there with someone there most evenings. We saw maybe 6 or 7 potential buyers come by asking about the airport closing down.... some of them had been told it would be gone in 6 weeks...
Fat chance, the airport had accepted federal funding for some upgrades and therefore had to remain open for 25 years....after accepting the funds...
Some times the rules work in our favor. BTW, the airport is at least 50 years old.

Rick R. said...

They do it with Langley AFB and Oceana NAS in Virginia.

Some of these yuppie scum have the cojones to claim that they "NEVER" heard an airplane while looking at the property -- yet the locals (I grew up under the LAFB landing pattern) know that you can't go more than 10 minutes or so without teh Sound of Freedom.

Where I live now, they claim the same thing about fort AP Hill and artillery.

Grayson said...

Tell the damn yuppies that they can find sympathy in the dictionary (assuming any one of them knows what a dictionary is and how to use it).

They can find it somewhere between shit and syphilis.

And if they think (heh) that that's not a diplomatic thing to say, tell then to find some diplomacy roughly between dildo and dipshit.

Go get 'em, Jay.

SC-IFI said...

We could get some of Dave's chili...
Then park ourselves outside the doors of their condos...

A 21-bun salute, as it were...

Just time it so our fireworks coincide with 8am and sunset, and voilà, patriotic posteriors.

Julie said...

people are the same the world over - we've had it here with gun clubs and airports too

... now one airport has had to put signs all around new developments warning that the area is subject to aircraft noise just in case people can't figure it out for themselves.

B Smith said...

I was in Boston many years ago, and was loitering around waiting for the USS Constitution museum to open for the day, when the sound of that cannon scared the bejeezus right out of me. When I'd gotten over the initial shock, I thought it was the coolest thing I'd witnessed in some time. Here's hoping it's never silenced again.
Fire on, dear lady, fire on.