Monday, December 28, 2009

Even More Massachusetts Miracles...

Corruption case against DiMasi detailed

Federal prosecutors, in a series of recent court filings, have painted their most detailed portrait to date of the elaborate schemes they say former House speaker Salvatore F. DiMasi and three associates cooked up to profit from his speakership.

The allegations, which come six months after DiMasi and his associates were indicted on corruption charges, depict how DiMasi could have taken bribes from a software firm in return for helping the company win multimillion-dollar state contracts. Using phrases like “quid pro quo bribe,’’ and “concealed conflict of interest,’’ prosecutors call the case “a classic scheme’’ to defraud the public and enrich the defendants.

Imagine that. In a state dominated by Democrats, corruption is rampant. Now, that's not to say that this wouldn't/couldn't happen in a state dominated by Republicans, but the difference in MA is that the corrupt Democrat will be replaced by another Democrat without any thought whatsoever. As long as the candidate has a "D" next to their name, they're a shoo-in. This is now the third MA Speaker in a row to be indicted; as it stands, the evidence is pretty damning but that doesn't necessarily equate conviction (let alone in MA where the rich/powerful/connected won't be prosecuted anyways; one need look no further than Finneran's radio show for proof of that...)

Wonder what special perks DiMasi will get for "punishment"?

That is all.


Michael W. said...

Speaking of Massachusetts Miracles.....

All I could think was "Jesus Wept"

Old NFO said...

A slap on the wrist???

Bruce said...

Finneran plead out. No prosecution required.

libertyman said...

I saw that letter to the editor -- still shaking my head.