Thursday, December 24, 2009

Global Warming Protest

Heh. Sent to me by a bunch of folks, here's a picture of a recent protest held against Global warming:


Won't someone think of the snowmen (and women)?

That is all.


Borepatch said...

You kind of expect to see Calvin and Hobbes ... ;-)

Merry Christmas to you and the whole Casa G crowd, Jay.

Jay G said...

Thanks Borepatch. Merry Christmas to you and yours as well!!!

Grayson said...

The ironic (and perfectly snarky) thing about the above picture is that the snow-crowd probably has a much higher collective I.Q. than the delegates to the recent 'climate change' summit in the socialist paradise of Europe.
To say nothing of the fact that snow-people tend to be much less annoying.

Anonymous said...

Makes me think we'll soon see attempts to bring pro-lifers onto the climate change bandwagon:

"Global Warming Aborts Snowmen"
"Global Warming Stops A Frozen Heart"