Thursday, December 24, 2009

Just Realized Something...

As of tomorrow, Ted Kennedy will have been sober for three months.

I'm going to hell for that bit, BTW...

That is all.

Tip 'o' the keyboard to reader Tanner for sending me a reminder in e-mail...


JD said...

Damn, wish I had thought of that one. . .

Anonymous said...

I suspect that fat pile of alcoholic shit had enough alcohol in is bloodstream to maintain his drunken state even after moving to a different plane.

Linoge said...

Well, that is probably his longest sober period ever since about 10ish, so it is probably worth noting.

Grayson said...

Indeed... but has his passing done anything to improve the collective I.Q. of the Massachusetts political demographic?
My rough guess would be: not only no, but more like HOLY THUNDERING CRAP NO!
But, that's just speculation on my part...8-p