Monday, January 18, 2010

I Just Gotta...

Brown looks to pull off huge upset in Massachusetts

(CNN) -- Democrats are scrambling to hold onto the late Ted Kennedy's Senate seat in a surprisingly close race in Massachusetts that could imperil President Obama's agenda.

Polls published in the last week of the race show Republican Scott Brown and Democrat Martha Coakley in a dead heat, worrying Obama and Democrats about the possibility of losing what once was considered one of their safest seats.
I wonder how much it just KILLED CNN to put that one up?

I loved this bit:

A Brown victory would give Senate Republicans the votes to stop the health care bill -- and the rest of the president's agenda -- through a filibuster, a tactic they mployed after Democrats took control of Congress after the 2006 elections.
Of course, they conveniently forget that the Democrats threw down the "filibuster" card so often from 2000 - 2006 that it frayed worse than Robb's race card...


That is all.


Anonymous said...

This one musta hurt even more then the CNN one. I still can't believe they posted it!

Popcorn said...

Hey Jay, all eyes on you until the results are announced tomorrow. Lots hanging on this one so best of luck to MA...and remember that if it's not close they can't cheat!

Jay G said...

Bingo, Popcorn.

BTW, I wonder how many more lefty media types are going to advocate cheating?

Rev. Paul said...

I was floored this a.m., when the editor of the Boston Herald appeared on Fox News to complain about Coakley's "misstatements" and "falsehoods".

We'll all watching. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Scott Brown will be having a huge rally in his hometown of Wrentham TONIGHT. The rally is at Luciano’s at Lake Pearl. The address is 299 Creek Street, Wrentham. The doors will open at 5 PM

Mad Saint Jack said...

If Brown wins the Dems can still pass Obamacare by forcing the House to pass the bill exactly as it passed in the Senate. Of course if they had the votes to do that, it would probably already be done. Lets hope Brown can scare several House dems who want to keep their job.

RW said...

Didn't think I'd see this as a possibility in my lifetime.

Do it, Mass., DO IT.