Monday, January 18, 2010

Presented for Your Approval...

It's the MArooned CafePress store!

There's only a couple of items/images right now, so please bear with me as I explore the CafePress universe. I'm steering away from adding too many things at the moment, as dealing with the limited software in my limited time tends to redline the rage-o-meter. If there's anything you'd like to see - either item-wise or picture-wise - let me know and I'll see if I can't cobble something together. It's all about giving the customer what they want at the MArooned store - because that means more filthy lucre for me...

Also, if anyone's handy with a better picture-manipulator than MS Paint and would like to try to generate a nicer image, I'd be forever in their debt...

That is all.


Borepatch said...

The Gimp. It's an open source photoshop-alike, runs on Windows and Linux.

Big learnign curve, but uber powerful. It's what I used to make the MHI patch.

Michael W. said...

What? No Snub-A-Rooney thong yet?

Ya gotta think outside the box.......

PISSED said...

Michael W...

you bring teh funney!!!

Snarky said...

If you don't want to do the Gimp thing, let me know and I'll bust out mah mad Photoshop skillz, yo.

Buddy said...

I may have to get the one with the Snubby... I still think it needs an EOTech!

Lokidude said...

I want pistol-bayonetted Pikachu on some stuff... And I still love "It takes an uncommon mind" as a catchphrase