Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ninety Second Blogmeet Update...

Yes, despite the best intentions of Mother Gaia, in conjunction with Al Gore, to thwart the Northeast bloggers, we're still going ahead with the meet this evening. Plan accordingly, take your time, BE CAREFUL, and we'll be waiting for you at Jillian's Billiards in Manchester NH right at 6:00 PM. Some of us will be at Manchester Firing Line (also conveniently located in Manchester, NH) around 4:00 PM if you'd like to partake in shootie goodness as well.

A few quick points:

  • If there's anything y'all would like in the appetizer department, let me know and I'll get in touch with my contact at Jillians to set it up ahead of time. If we can let them know what we want before we get there, they can arrange to have it on the table as we show up, rather than taking the order as people arrive and having to wait for food.
  • Bring cash - there's going to be twenty something people coming, and asking for 15-20 separate checks is a sure way to get our food spit in give our poor server grey hairs trying to accomodate us. If we can all plan accordingly (and Jillian's menu is posted with prices), we should be able to have enough to toss in for dinner without breaking out the abaci.
  • We're having two pool tables reserved for us - so bring your best game with you. Some of the resident sharks will be circling (heh) and eager for competition. Also, it's a $14 per hour per table charge ($28 per hour), so expect a couple bucks an hour per person for pool. We can always turn the tables in if no one's using them.
  • Most of you have my cell phone number. Those of you that don't, feel free to shoot me an e-mail using the address in my contact info. and I'll send it to you. I'll be at the Manchester Firing Line beforehand as well, so I'll be available until 4 or so (can't hear my cell phone on the range!).

Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight!

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Oh, dinner is not the problem, but I suspect the total bar tab is gonna be a big heap o' cash!

Leaving here in a few, see ya this evening!

libertyman said...

See you tonight --- driving is slippery, but the plows are out. Allow extra time as they say!

Weer'd Beard said...

I'm going to keep an eye on things, but if the weather takes a turn for the worst, I may punk out of this one.

Still I'm gonna try to make it.

Anonymous said...

We're here in Manchester. Really not a lot of snow so far up here. Roads in MA were great, NH still pretty good (didn't need to kick in the 4WD. Northern CT SUCKED big time. 35mph in 4WD up I-84. Maybe that was because it was early in the storm and the plows were not out yet. In the end it only took me a few minutes longer then planned to get here.

For what it's worth, we have a room 3 blocks from Jillian's. Anyone who doesn't feel able to drive home is welcome to pull up some floor for the night if need be.

Jay G said...

Thanks for the update, Mopar. I'm stuck in car financing hell right now; I'm HOPING it won't make me too late for MFL, but not being optimistic...

As far as crashing, here's an alternative: I'm not going to be drinking tonight, so I don't mind shuttling folks if needed either...

Wally said...

Snowing fast and furious here in Portland and will continue until this time tomorrow - no chance for me to make it. Yall have fun. I'll be spending the evening on the loading bench, just a little jealous!

Old NFO said...

Shoot em good! :-)

Anonymous said...

I've been told there is a parking ban in effect for Manchester tonight. No parking on streets or city lots.

Anonymous said...

looks like it doesnt start until 10pm.