Saturday, January 2, 2010

Northeast Blogger Dinner Live Blogging...

Yes. We are live-blogging the Northeast Blogger Winter Dinner. Gaia bless the Eee...

So far, in attendance we have

Lissa and Mike
Mopar and Mrs. mopar
borepatch & Mrs. borepatch
The other Jay
JD and Mrs. JD (SORRY GUY!!!)

Further bulletins as events warrant.

This is most certainly not all...

Update1: Bruce joins us...

Update2: TOTWTYTR joins us as well...

Update3: doubletrouble and Mrs. doubletrouble and sci-fi and B (Mrs. sci-fi)


Anonymous said...

We're live bogong from95 north, just south of Derry
traffic sucks. Parking lots move faster.

Car in ditch

Now we're moving

B ( & SCI-FI -driving)

Anonymous said...

I meant blogging....

FarmGirl said...

dude that's not a liveblog that's just an announcement of who's there... we need DETAILS :P

Anonymous said...

Heres a detail....jay doesnt play pool as good as he thinks - mopar

JD said...

man I got to blog more, I got there and not even a mention of making it through all the snow. . .

= )

Jay G said...


My egregious omission has been corrected. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

It was a pleasure seeing you again, and meeting Mrs. JD too!

Mopar, I never claimed to be any good at pool... ;)

JD said...

Had a great time Jay, Thanks for setting it up! Great way to start the year, good food, good friends, new friends, and good conversation. . . what else can you ask for?