Saturday, January 2, 2010

Northeast Blogger Dinner Live Blogging Redux

We've moved beyond the dinner portion of the evening and proceeded to the pool-playing arena. We're finding that some people are much better at pool than they let on... The dinner was pretty decent, but the layout - one loooong table with everyone pretty much limited to the immediate surrounding conversation just wasn't cutting it.

So we retired to the pool hall, where reputations were decimated, lies were told, and bull was slung.

Quote of the night comes from Mrs. mopar, in regards to shooting pool:

"This is a lot harder that it is on the computer".

Heh. More tomorrow...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

And a great time was had by all! Thanks Jay. Drive safe everyone!

zeeke42 said...

Great time as usual Jay, thanks for putting these together.

Jay G said...

I'm hoping that means you made it home safe, zeeke42...

Took some doing, but I made it home in one piece.

In 2WD...

libertyman said...

Jay, many thanks for the work you did to pull it all together. You are a man of boundless energy. Also a good pool player I noticed. No wonder you wanted to get the tables!
I drove out and there was a six or seven car pile up as I entered the highway. If I had left a minute earlier...
I hope no one from the dinner was involved, and that all returned safely home.
An excellent way to start the new year, thanks again for making it happen.

PS word verification "guestsma" !!

Jay G said...

Thanks libertyman. It makes everything worthwhile to hear folks say they had a good time.

Thanks to everyone who came - by my count, we were one shy of two dozen! That's pretty darn impressive!

Anonymous said...

Just made it home. Thanks again, it was great seeing old faces and meeting new ones. Cant wait for the next chance!

Old NFO said...

Looking forward to the update of the update... :-)

SCI-FI said...


Sounds like our trip home, too -- we missed the Rt283 accident, getting there before the police, driving through as people walked around (on the highway, in blowing snow conditions -- idiots).

doubletrouble said...

Thanks for getting that together Jay; another "attaboy" for our own community organizer.

BTW, we had the same problem at Paul's Christmas party last year- nobody could talk to anyone else, except their close table mates.

This year we had a "social hour" before sitting down, & that worked great. Tables were arranged in a big "U" shape, & while one still couldn't talk w/everyone, communication was far better served than the previous year. Additionally, the folks that yakked together the most and/or hit it off the best during the 1st hour tended to sit together to continue the gab.

Just a thought...