Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oh HELL No...

Gingrich says he's a potential 2012 contender
(CNN) - Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says he's among a handful of Republican candidates who are thinking about running for president in 2012.

"I think I'm probably on a list of seven or eight possible candidates at this stage," Gingrich reportedly told reporters in North Carolina Wednesday before speaking to a gathering of conservatives. Joe DeSantis, Gingrich's communications director, confirmed the accuracy of the quotes to CNN.

No, no, no, no, no, and HELL NO. Newt Gingrich is quite possibly the single most hated Republican eligible to run for President in 2012. Cheney might possibly edge him out, but Cheney's also not interested in running (seeing as how he didn't run in 2008...). Running Newt Gingrich will not only ensure an 0bama LANDSLIDE in 2012, it will secure the single-party lock on the House & Senate for at least the next four years...

Sorry, Newt, but you had your chance and blew it. You swept into office in 1994 with a clear, conservative agenda; you had some excellent ideas and worked to implement then; and then you got fat and lazy with being the majority party, and slid right into the trap that ensnares all politicians. You went after power for power's sake.

The rest of the "A-list" doesn't look that much better:
Among the other Republican candidates Gingrich named as possible 2012 contenders included former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Also included on Gingrich's list are Govs. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, Mitch Daniels of Indiana, Haley Barbour of Mississippi, Rick Perry of Texas and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. North Dakota Sen. John Thune may also be a potential candidate, Gingrich said.

Palin has been under constant media fire ever since she was chosen. The media has done a damn good job of "Quaylifying" her - they've made damned sure that people confuse their caricature of Palin for the real thing, and as a result people *STILL* think she said she could see Russia from her house. Romney is a RINO; Huckabee's a laughable holy roller; Pawlenty and Daniels don't quite have the name recognition; and America's not ready for a President named "Haley". Perry would never be able to overcome the "Texas Governor" label that would instantly be applied; Jindal might have a shot; Thune (from SOUTH Dakota, great friggin' job CNN) has the conservative cachet of having defeated Tom Daschle, for which we will forever be grateful).

But Newt Gingrich??? Not just no, but HELL NO.

That is all.


Heath J said...

The SAME Gingrich that recently drank the Enviro-nutjob coolaid? That one?

Fuck that.

NotClauswitz said...

It really is the Stupid Party, and now the Egotistical Party.

Weer'd Beard said...

"Running Newt Gingrich will not only ensure an 0bama LANDSLIDE in 2012"

That's implying Obama even makes it on the ticket.

I suspect with all his ham-handed Buffoonery, and the impending slaughter that the Mid-Term elections bode, I suspect Hillary will step down to allow others to fill her seat and slowly make the rounds of the lefty pundit shows.

She'll start becoming very critical of Barry's presidency around Summer 2011, and will Primary against him in 2012.

And I think she could win it. And with that line-up of goons, It isn't a tough bet for her to win it all.

wolfwalker said...

Newt Gingrich is quite possibly the single most hated Republican eligible to run for President in 2012.

That might be a bit of an exaggeration ... but only a bit. I'm sure Swamp Newt would make the top ten list. Maybe top five.

Borepatch said...

I'd crawl on my hands and knees over broken glass to vote against Mitt. Not only was he behind "MittCare" and the AWB (spit), but then he ran as the "only real conservative".

He's a liar, and thinks I'm dumb enough to fall for it.

Atom Smasher said...

Pawlenty would have my vote if he ran. A moderate conservative and he's run Minnesota well. I think he'd have an easy time gaining national appeal.

After 4 years of King Obama and his Court, the LAST thing people are going to want to hear is "I'm gonna swing it just as far to the (choose direction) as these other poo-heads were doing!" I think the guy/gal that says "Let's back things down a few notches and get a President who starts saying "we" again instead of "I" all the time, and vetoes a lot of spending" will win handily.

Brad_in_IL said...


I agree with you 100% that Newt on the ticket would be toxic. I find it more than a little interesting that current house minority whip Eric Cantor is not on that short list. I think he's make a very intesting candidate. My $0.02.

Maureen said...

The only one on your list I'm not really familiar with (and therefore can't condemn already based on what I know!!!) is Pawlenty. A political pundit friend of mine likes Jindal, but I still have nightmares about his performance in the Dem response to one of Obama's big speeches (shiver). I'm going to take a look at Pawlenty.

ASM826 said...

It won't matter who the candidate is, they will be attacked, vilified, smeared, and generally made to look like a big poopy-head.

I don't want Gingrich. I don't want anyone who has held public office above the local level. But we need some conservatives willing to run.

Anonymous said...

Geez, yeah, um, no, Newt. We throw the ball right to you in '94 and you dropped it with all your doughy "good, ol' boy" nonsense in playing nice with the Media and Democrats.

No more Southerners, O.K. Y'all keep screwing it up hard and fast.

Go back to school and teach hillbillies history and never say another friggin' word about politics again.

Shootin' Buddy

Anonymous said...

As a native Minnesnowtan I can assure you that Pawlenty is a RINO without horns. The only way you can win in this state is to cater to the Twin Shitties (Minneapolis and St. Paul) since the 7-county metro area has the vast majority of the voting population. And it votes collectivist every time.

Occasionally the out-state vote will get someone into office that doesn't have their head completely up their a$$, but people like Bachman are in short supply.

If this vomit-laden shit is the best the Rep-wing can puke out, then the stupid party is going to remain out of office for the foreseeable future.

RW said...

As a former constituent of Newt's: Un, no. Great thinker, not so great leader.

The guy was having an affair w/a staffer during the Lewinsky mess. He has no shot, none.

One quibble: I think we can have someone named Haley, since someone named "Barack" is currently in the WH. :) Barbour is doing phenomenal work, seriously.

It's waaaaaay to early. In '05 we all thought the heir apparent to Bush was George Allen.

Dixie said...

"No more Southerners, O.K. Y'all keep screwing it up hard and fast."

How's the Yankee President workin' out for ya'? :)

tjbbpgobIII said...

Yeh, he's a fuckjob idiot. Even I, here in Alabama, don't like him. He had a chance to literally destroy the demoncrapts in '94 and blew it like Lewinsky. You're right NO MORE SOUTHERNERS. Bush sucked bigtime after 9/11 calmed down and led the country right into a socialist mentality with his home land security shit. I don't know yet who to vote for, but it definately won't be anyone from that last list, with the possible exception of Sarah Palin, whom I like really well. I am just not sure of her presidentiality just yet , although I voted for McLame because she was on the ticket and he might have been on his last legs.

Anonymous said...

If Scott Brown goes to washington and makes a huge impact, he could pick his running mate. Brown/Palin 2012. Sorry, just sounded too good!
