Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Remember When...

Remember when no-bid contracts were a bad thing? When eeeevil Halliburton, in conjunction with Chimpy McHitler and Darth Vader Cheney, was obtaining no-bid contracts with the government to sap our precious bodily fluids, steal candy from babies, and rip the tags off mattresses? Remember that outrage? Well, then, the usual suspects should be all over this story:

Obama Administration Steers Lucrative No-Bid Contract for Afghan Work to Dem Donor
Despite President Obama's long history of criticizing the Bush administration for "sweetheart deals" with favored contractors, the Obama administration this month awarded a $25 million federal contract for work in Afghanistan to a company owned by a Democratic campaign contributor without entertaining competitive bids, Fox News has learned.

The contract, awarded on Jan. 4 to Checchi & Company Consulting, Inc., a Washington-based firm owned by economist and Democratic donor Vincent V. Checchi, will pay the firm $24,673,427 to provide "rule of law stabilization services" in war-torn Afghanistan.
Who are Checchi & Company? Big Demo donors, that's who...
The records show Checchi has given at least $4,400 to Obama dating back to March 2007, close to the maximum amount allowed. The contractor has also made donations to various arms of the Democratic National Committee, to liberal activist groups like MoveOn.org and ActBlue, and to other party politicians like Sen. John F. Kerry, former presidential candidate John Edwards and former Connecticut Senate candidate Ned Lamont.
There's some more of that "transparency" Øbama promised us right there...

Now, kick over to CNN, NYT, AP, etc. and see if you can find any mention of this sweetheart deal. Oh? What's that? You can't? You find that a search for "Checchi" on CNN yields 11 hits, the latest from 2003. Changing to the NYT, we find exactly zero hits. Why, it's almost like that eeeeevil "Faux News" is the only media outlet reporting this story! Imagine that! The media is covering for Øbama being a flaming hypocrite.

Next thing we're going to find out is that water is wet...

That is all.

Link found courtesy of CueBall from Gunblogger Conspiracy. Thanks Cue!


notDilbert said...

It always amazes me that Goverment Contracts can be bought for so little money.....

roaming_gnome said...

So, if this company has donated to MoveOn and such, and are contracting to provide 'rule of law stabilization in Afganistan', isn't that considered a conflict of interest? I'd be concerned that any company that donated to such organizations are going to do something militaristic...d

libertyman said...

I would send a note to the New York Times, Drudge and even the Boston Globe. Though will it be addressed?

Probably not.