Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Update from Yesterday...

Saw on the news this morning that the story I mentioned yesterday about the grandmother found dead in Methuen has a twist:

No Foul Play Ruled In Methuen Grandmother's Death
Authorities have ruled that a Methuen grandmother's death over the weekend was accidental.

Barbara DesRoche, 69, was found dead on the ground next to her car in the parking lot near the Methuen VFW, where she worked as a bartender for 20 years.

Medical examiners performed an autopsy Monday and found no evidence of serious trauma.
While it's still a tragedy for her family and a shame she's gone too early, it's comforting that it wasn't foul play. I stand by everything I wrote about gun control being evil, however at least in this case there was nothing evil about what happened to Mrs. DesRoche. It seems that this was just a terrible accident. Just thought I ought to set the record straight.

Rest in Peace, Mrs. DesRoche.

That is all.

1 comment:

PISSED said...

What I don't understand is every report I heard or read yesterday HAD to add in that she was partially clothed... does that not lead one to suspect fowl play???