Friday, January 1, 2010


As we turn the calendar over to a new year, and a new decade, it seems to be all the rage to reflect on the past year/decade. Who am I to pass up free blog fodder? 2009 was both really good and really bad in many ways; good mainly in the personal arena, not so good on the socio-political arena.

But it's the decade I'm most interested in discussing. I remember, quite clearly, the change between the 1980s and the 1990s; I remember even more clearly the change from the '90s to the '00s. In many ways, much is the same now as it was in 2000; I'm in the same house, working for the same company, driving the same car (well, Mrs. G. is). But in so many other ways, my life is unrecognizable from that which I lived in 2000.

For starters, I've lost over 100 pounds and started working out every day. I'm watching what I eat, chosing healthy options far more often, and avoiding that which is bad for me (for the most part; I'll maintain that beer in moderation is good for you...). I'm working out on a regular basis; I quit smoking; in general, I'm in the best shape of my life as I approach 39; certainly better than in 2000 when I wasn't even 29 yet.

And there's the other major change: TheBoy and BabyGirl G. My life was irrevocably changed nearly nine years ago when my son came into my life; the addition of a daughter two years later added another wrinkle into the mix. No longer was my life my own; I had two small people depending on me. Not only wasn't my time my own any more but my very lifestyle - changes and sacrifices were made so that my children would have every opportunity to grow up happy, healthy, and much loved.

And I started blogging. I had been part of an online community in the 1990s; a political bulletin board run by Time/Warner (and later Time AOL) got me started in the rough-and-tumble world of online political debate. Years later, after the bulletin board had closed and the different factions gone their separate ways, I was given an opportunity to guest-blog at my buddy Ricky's place. I started in 2003 and four years later started here at MArooned. In the time I've been doing this, I've made some amazing friends, met some awesome people, and had some incredible opportunities.

I don't know what the decade from 2010 - 2019 will hold, but if it continues along the lines of how 2000 - 2009 went, I can't wait to find out.

That is all.


libertyman said...

Pick up 100 pounds of barbells and walk around with it all day. Amazing that anyone could cope with 100 pounds of body mass. Another accomplishment to be proud of, by the way.

David said...

My prediction for you, Jay ... within 10 years companies will be sending you all sorts of crazy belt-fed shotguns and such to review.

Oh, and your baby girl might have a boyfriend, heaven help him. Heh.

Old NFO said...

Well said Jay, well said...

Anonymous said...

You are a good man Jay. Your children are in good hands. Keep up the good work.

God Bless

Starik Igolkin said...

Ammm, Jay, you do know that the decade is actually 2001-2010, and it's not over yet, we just started its last year, right?

Oh, and Happy New Year! :)

Axeanda45 said...

start counting to 10, do you start with zero or one? It is a very common mistake though, remember the y2k thing? it wasnt the end of the century, it was the last date some IC chips would recognize.

WV = picater, no, I was picking at him