Wednesday, January 13, 2010

So This Is How It Is...

Coakley associate shoves Weekly Standard reporter
After Coakley finished her answer, she began walking away from the restaurant, and I walked behind her asking why health care industry lobbyists were supporting her at the fundraiser. She didn't reply.

As I walked down the street, a man who appeared to be associated with the Coakley campaign pushed me into a freestanding metal railing. I ended up on the sidewalk. I was fine. He helped me up from the ground, but kept pushing up against me, blocking my path toward Coakley down the street.

Not just assault, but assault and battery. Some would claim that the metal railing could make it assault with a deadly weapon.

Someone should inform the chief law enforcement officer in MA about this so they can investigate!

Hmmm. I wonder how much trouble I could get myself in by volunteering to work security for any "alternative" media sources wishing to ask Mrs. Coakley simple questions?

That is all.

(Story sent to me by several different sources, thanks everyone. Packetman has a post on it that he alerted me to earlier. We absolutely have to stay on top of these things, because you know the media won't touch them...)


Anonymous said...

Jay, you should like the results of the latest Rasmussen poll.

Martha 49%
Scott 47%

Lissa said...

Jay, you've GOT to see the article --

"Stumble." Right-o.

Old NFO said...

Gee, sounds like a 'touchy' situation... Wonder what would have happened if the reporter had pushed back...

C Kelsey said...

::Insert evil laugh here:: Just got the location I go to vote for Senator in this adopted state of mine...

PISSED said...

"Good evening. Good evening. In less than a few days, we will vote in a new senator. We can't be consumed by our petty differences any more. We will be united in our common interest. Perhaps it's fate that its Ted Kennedy's old seat, and we will be fighting for our freedom. From tyranny, oppression, persecution, and possibly the United States as we know it. We're fighting for our right to live, to exist and should we win the day, the 19th of January will no longer be known as a tuesday, but as the day when the voters of Mass declared in one voice, 'We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on, we're going to survive.' Today we celebrate our take back of the government day!" (shamlessly stolen from Independence Day hehehehe)

RW said...

And I remember how the left went berserk when someone shouted out the wrong thing about Obama at a McCain/Palin rally.

Seriously, if they held themselves to one TENTH of the standard that they hold us to, they would no longer need the gov't to take care of them.