Friday, February 5, 2010

Dare to Dream...

Kennedys shaken as GOP eyes R.I. too
The Kennedy political dynasty is shaking in the aftershock of U.S. Sen. Scott Brown’s earth-shattering election, with a new poll showing U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy losing ground as he faces a well-financed GOP foe backed by Brown’s top strategists.

The WPRI-12 poll showed the Rhode Island Democrat with a 56 percent unfavorability rating in his district - a negative that grows to 62 percent statewide.

Only 35 percent of voters in Kennedy’s district said they would vote to re-elect him. Another 31 percent said they’d consider a different candidate and 28 percent said they would vote to replace him, according to the poll.

Oh, Patches, we hardly knew ye. Actually, the problem is exactly the opposite - we do know you, and we don't like you one bit. Let's face facts here. If your last name was Shaugnessy rather than Kennedy you'd be a barback in Southie rather than a US Rep from RI. You've ridden your family name for 16 years now, eight terms in Congress, and it sounds like there's a chance - however slight - that your good run may be at an end.

You've used and abused your position of power to get out of vehicular scrapes, gotten in a row with the bishop over communion, and laughably voiced your support for "Marcia" Coakley. Quite frankly, Congressman Kennedy, you're a joke, a living caricature of a fallen dynasty whose time has come to gracefully step aside for the next generation. The days of the Kennedy name being the only currency needed are at an end with the laying to rest of Uncle Ted.

It's time to move into the 21st century and give people a reason to vote for you, rather than your family name.

That is all.


Paul, Dammit! said...

Another nail in the coffin for the most shameful name among the Irish-American population! Hollywood will mourn their failure to create American royalty, and I won't have to be quite so ashamed of one of my fellow hyphen-Americans.

It's like the sun just came out, and suddenly I think I hear birds singing...

Heath J said...

Goodbye, you filthy assholes!

WV:delidisc?? We always called em' plates..