Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Gun Pr0n #152

Today's gun pr0n comes to us from commenter "Stretch". He sent this pic to me after my diatribe on the .30-06, in support of his very persuasive argument that .30-06 was superior based on guns chambered therein having better bayonets.

He presented exhibits A and B:

Lookit The Pointy

I do have to admit, he makes one helluva convincing argument...

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

mmmmm Big Honking Blade Bayonets.

My Enfield 2A has a honking blade on it, but not THAT honking big.

Carteach said...

I truly admire the way you did NOT comment on him having 'A Point' to his argument. That took will power.

Anonymous said...

Genetics. Has to genetics!!

Jay G said...

Heh. I do have to admit, those are two of the best possible arguments for .30-06 going...

I needs to get me an '03 Springfield, I does...

NotClauswitz said...

Since '03 is a relatively compact rifle it needs a long sticker to get the same OAL distance as a Krag or a Mosin-Nagant. :-)

Rabbit said...

The Swiss K31 has a nice piece of steel you can hang off the end, also. Found out they came pre-sharpened a couple of weeks ago, too.


Stretch said...

All my military rifles have bayonets. The bayonet lug is there for a reason.
Unfortunately I have a bayonet without a rifle. Anyone have a WWI G98 that needs a good home?