Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Piling on Teh Crazy...

Witness reported talk of revenge in bomb case
After two pipe bombs arrived at the Newton home of Dr. Paul Rosenberg in December 1993, a witness told investigators that Jimmy E. Anderson Jr. had said he “wanted to get back at’’ the doctor by shooting, bombing, stabbing, or strangling him, according to files released yesterday by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Nothing in the files indicated whether investigators found the unidentified witness credible. But the files confirmed that Anderson and his wife, Amy Bishop, were questioned in the attempted mail bombing. The documents also provided more details about why investigators may have focused on them - although they were never charged.

Man, the more stuff comes out about these two, the more they start to look like a modern-day Bonnie & Clyde. The article goes to great lengths to make veiled connections, and it certainly may prove to be a whole lot of nothing in the end, but the possibility is pretty strong that the Andersons had something to do with the pipe bomb. What's interesting is that this may actually help Bishop in the long run - there's been little debate as to her guilt in performing the act.

If they're trying to make Bishop an insanity defense, it seems like her best defense is, well, herself...

That is all.


Old NFO said...

Yep, you can bet that is the way she's gonna go... Gonna be hard to be crazy and pick up the gun, then conceal it... just sayin...

ASM826 said...

I think she is crazy. I'm not sure that's any reason not to convict. I would venture that most, if not almost all, of the people arrested for murder are crazy by the standards that you and I live our lives.

Jay G said...

I think Bishop is crazy as well.

I think she ought to spend the rest of her life having lithium squirted down her throat with a turkey baster in a padded room, too...

Michael in CT said...

Somehow I suspect that the crazy approach is going to be a lot harder to pull off down in Alabama then it would up here. Sucks to be her.