Sunday, February 14, 2010


Today's special Valentine's Day Quote of the Day comes from Baby Girl G. I stepped out to grab a couple last minute items (for my sister's birthday, not V-day) and on a whim stopped into the card store. They had "Silly Bands", which if you have elementary school-aged kids you already know about, which are apparently hard to find, so I picked up a couple boxes for a special Valentine's Day present for the kids.

Mrs. G. had been napping (she's working the overnight) and awoke to find Baby Girl G. walking around with an arm full of Silly Bands. Since TheBoy had his birthday party last night, and got several packages of Silly Bands, Mrs. G. was naturally suspicious and asked her where she got the Silly Bands. Without missing a beat, Baby Girl G. came out, in the sweetest voice evah, with the QotD:

My valentine gave them to me.

Even something stupid from the Ă˜bama administration can't get the smile off my face...

That is all.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

OUt of the mouths of babes :-)