Sunday, February 28, 2010

That's My Girl...

One of the priests in our church has a part in his sermon where he invites the children present to come up and sit at the front of the church (and no wisecracks about Catholic priests and kids here; Father Bob is a great guy). He discussed today being the second Sunday in Lent, and talked about the Transfiguration. He then mentioned that he had given up coffee for Lent, and that everyone that knows he had commented on how he had changed since giving up caffeine. All of a sudden, in a clear, loud voice, I hear my sweet little girl dime me out:

"My daddy couldn't give up coffee for Lent. He says he needs it to live".

This is the girl, mind you, we can't get to speak up in a restaurant when giving her order to the waitperson. When we ask her a question, we need to have her repeat her answer two or three times to be certain we've heard it correctly - she tends to be soft-spoken most of the time.

Except, of course, when it comes to ratting Daddy out in front of the congregation...

That is all.


Lissa said...

Brava, BabyGirl G!

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Oh dear. Doesn't she know? "Snitches get stitches..."

TOTWTYTR said...

It is to laugh. I remember back when my daughter was little I used to say that I wished she'd speak more. Then, when she was about 13, she started to. I didn't know when I was well off. Because, I know you'll be shocked to learn that she has definite opinions about some things and isn't afraid to voice them.

I wonder where THAT came from?

Ross said...


Old NFO said...

hehehe- Gotcha didn't she :-)

WV-chereb as opposed to cherub!

Paul, Dammit! said...

Maybe I'm lucky that my wife and kid are Protestants.

Skip said...

They will drop a dime on ya at the most inappropriate time.

Weer'd Beard said...

I can and have given up tea (tho not for lent, I'd just avoid the stuff offshore so I could better sleep when I got the chance) Headaches and moodiness only last about 24-48 hours, that's easy. Lack of focus can be compensated for.

But man, it's the whole lack of Sh**ing that gets me!

Caffeine stimulates peristalsis!

bluesun said...

I think me and my brother did that every week back when we were little. Don't know how my parents let us live...

It's funny how you think you were so much better as a child than "kids these days," but when you look back, you were just as annoying.

Jay G said...

No lie - after one particularly infuriating exchange between my son and my daughter, where my son was teasing/torturing my daughter and my daughter was SHRIEKING in response, I actually called my mom up and apologized for being such a brat growing up...

Because I recognized about five things that my son did to my daughter as things I did to my little sister...