Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bring Your "A" Game...

Last night saw a meeting of the minds; a gathering of folks with one single goal in mind: devour tasty BBQ, drink beer, and swap hilarious stories until someone had Sam Adams spew out their nose (Okay, that last part was made up, but it sounds good, doesn't it?).

Got together with AD, TOTWTYTR, Borepatch, weer'd beard, libertyman, MedicMatthew, aaron, and zeeke42 at Jake's Dixie Roadhouse. The hardest part of the whole evening was finding a place to park. Here's a picture of the early arrivals

Da Gang @ Jake's

That's weer'dbeard in the lower left, then TOTWTYTR behind him; guest-of-honor AD at 1 o'clock and my blogson borepatch rounding out the quartet of ne'er do wells, malcontents, and other assorted rogues present at the blog dinner. For a first, this was a men-only group, which quickly became evident in the tone of the stories told as the evening progressed and the beer flowed...

I liked Jake's; we had a separated room in the back, all the cold beverages we could drink, some really tasty wings to start the night; and our choice of nommy BBQ goodness for dinner. The atmosphere was relaxed (up until the [marginal] band started playing and it got LOUD), and the arrangement was intimate enough to allow for much jawing among the group.

This leads to the title of this post: With this group, you really need to bring your "A" game mentally. There were some scarily smart people in attendance - something tells me that the average IQ of the group approaches the top end speed of your standard Corvette here. A wide variety of topics were discussed (with the obligatory "Star Trek" and Shatner commentary); jokes were told; embarrassing stories from our misspent youth were swapped.

And weer'dbeard had the quote of the night, referencing the hotsauce-soaked parsley garnishing the tray of wings and egging me on to try some:

"The hot sauce and the fiber will do you good!"

Right smaht bahstid, that one...

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

Heh, the hot sauce and the fiber are doing me good this morning!

Great time, Jay. We need to do these things a little more often methinks.

I mean at least we need to keep up with those punks in Indy!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun time! Wish I could have made it, but that's just a bit too far for a weeknight out, even for me.

TOTWTYTR said...

The marginal band wasn't a band so much as a collection of would be musicians at their weekly "open mic" night.

All of whom looked like refugees from Cambridge, at least to me.

The food was pretty good for yankee BBQ. :) The company, as always was excellent.

Thanks again for doing the leg work needed to put this together.

Borepatch said...

Sure was fun. I second TOTWTYTR's thanks - a hearty "Well done!" for getting this put together!

libertyman said...

Many thanks Jay for making this happen, it was a pleasure to see some familiar faces and meet a few new folks. I wish I could join you today, but Mass prohibits me bringing my stuff (plus this job thing) Hope to see y'all again soon.

Anonymous said...

And how many "dark suits" with "sunglasses and earpieces" were keeping an eye on you terrorists!! Out enjoying yourselves, talking about guns and related stuff, ...tsk..tsk..probably plotting some dark and evil plan also!
Hot sauce on parsley, some secret code I bet!!
Someday I'll get out there to visit my Leftist Professor lil' sister at Amherst or where ever she is..maybe...

zeeke42 said...

Finding parking was trivial if you knew about the giant city lot behind the place that's free after 6 ;-)

Thanks for putting this together Jay. I agree we should have these more often.

Paul, Dammit! said...

One day I'll be home when this stuff happens... or I'll finally improve my Jedi powers to pass a hand over the calendar and say "these are not the dates you're looking for..."