Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Off to the Range

Pre-Spring AD Bloggershoot Prep

That, right there my friends, is what freedom looks like. All that's going in the back of my truck to take to the bloggershoot in a few moments. I'll be AFK most of the day; I've got a couple of posts set up for later for your review, and I'll be back later several pounds of ammo lighter and one knot in my shoulder freer.

Every time you attend a bloggershoot, Sarah Brady gets pushed one step closer to the edge...

That is all.


Stephen said...


Starik Igolkin said...

Very nice looking set. You seem to be a bit short on mags, no?

NMM1AFan said...

Dude, you'll be cleaning guns into next week...

Ancient Woodsman said...

Seems to me that freedom looks a lot more like being able to have a useless appendage like a bayonet lug, collapsible stock or real flash hider on your AR, or being able to buy normal-capacity magazines at will.

Oh, well, if that's what 'freedom looks like' to the south of here I guess it won't be long before my view of 'freedom' looks more like yours, given the large number of massholes who move up here and then want to make things just like what they claim to have hated so much they left to start all over again.

That's what freedom looks like?

Well, have fun anyway - at least you like to shoot! Enjoying the noise from shooting all day knows no political bounds when the heart & mind are free.

Jay G said...


I've got plenty more AR magazines - thing is, it's what's loaded in them that's expensive. I did the math and realized that it cost me more to buy the ammo needed to fill a 30 round magazine than I paid for the magazine itself!


Plan is to clean in small, manageable groups: Pistols one night, .22LR rifles another, and the AR gets its own cleaning session (yes, I am turning into one of those people...)

Might tack the .22 rifles on the same day as the AR if I get ambitious - I'm planning on little more than a quick spritz of Break-Free in the action and a Hoppes-doused boresnake down the barrel for the .22s...

Ancient Woodsman,

First off, I meant freedom in the general sense that we, as American citizens, are the most free people on the face of the planet right now.

Secondly, check your figures. It's not the folks moving from MA northward that are the problem - Bruce from No Looking Backwards has examined that particular chestnut if I'm not mistaken.

And lastly, thanks. We had a blast (pun intended) and had enough weaponry to take over some smaller countries and give Sarah Brady multiple coronaries...