Saturday, March 20, 2010

Busy Day...

Had a pretty busy day today. Here's the checklist of errands so far:

  • Truck inspected? Check.
  • Oil changed? Check.
  • Bloodwork done? Check.
  • New shooter brought to range? Check.
It was a fantastic day at the range. We were joined by a dad and his two sons and then two women at the pistol range. Full range report on Monday; suffice to say that much lead was flung downrange, a determination was made yet again that pistols are pistols and rifles are rifles, and a good day at the range beats pretty much anything else out there.

Damn it was a good day...

That is all.


TheAxe said...

That sounds fantastic! I'm falling behind, I'll have to find some new shooters to take.

I've hit it off with a girl who moved down here from NH, any tips for dating new englanders (Other than Jay's Rules;)?

A Horse Thief said...

Did they draw blood before or after you went to the range? Just sayin'

Old NFO said...

Yep, ANY day at the range is a good day :-)

Stephen said...

I agree. Yesterday, with ex-teenage food processor #2 home along with a couple stray buddies we worked all of the following pretty hard.

Glock 40
Bersa 9mm
Bersa 380
Marlin 30-30
S&W M&P Ar 15
Remington 870
CZ 52
Mossberg 500

Hard to beat indeed!