Saturday, March 20, 2010


Sent to me by none other than SCI-FI himself, well, just click and watch:

Watch Buckingham Palace Guard Playing Star Trek Medley

From SCI-FI's e-mail:
OK, I don't blog, but if I did, this would be listed under the "Nerd" category and everyone would laugh at me.

So I don't blog. But I'll send it to you.
And I, of course, will post it - because that's how I (nerdily) roll.

That is all.


Bruce said...

Wait a minute...did I actually allow a year to pass without ridiculing your Star Trek ornaments???? I'll have to check my archives.

OT: the word verification "word" below is "shagn".

Yeah, baby![/austinpowers]

SCI-FI said...

I figured I'd get fame in life for something slightly better than hot tips on Star Trek related links, but alas, I'll settle for the naked display of my geekery.