Friday, March 26, 2010

Effect, Meet Cause...

Words of praise for Panagiotakos, but no commitments to run - yet

LOWELL -- Shock waves rippled throughout the First Middlesex Senate district last night following Sen. Steve Panagiotakos' announcement that he will not seek re-election this fall.

While constituents and colleagues all agreed that his shoes will be hard to fill, the big question being bandied about was who is willing to try?

Panagiotakos. Why does that name sound familiar? Oh yeah, that's right. Panagiotakos was the Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee that foisted the 25% sales tax increase on the people of MA.

I'm certain that has nothing to do with his shocking decision to not run for re-election...

That is all.

1 comment:

Weer'd Beard said...

I'm starting to think we may not have to throw the bums out...they may just vanish on their own.

I'm fine with that, so long as who replaces them knows why they're there!