Ruger Mark III Target in stainless, 6½" barrel. Damn, but that is a sexxeh lookin' gun. It's not making the decision as to which .22 pistol to get any easier, that's for damn sure. The Mark III, either Hunter or Target, holds much appeal for several reasons: The stainless finish makes for easier cleaning; the excellent out-of-the box accuracy; and Ruger's overbuilt pistol quality and reliability.
Realistically, I'm just going to have to bring a fistful of cash to a gun store or two and see what they have in stock...
That is all.
Yep. When I wanted a .22 rifle for Christmas, I had it narrowed down to a 10/22 or a Henry lever action. The gun stores were all out of Henrys, so I got the Ruger.
I've got a mark 3 target with the 22/45 grip configuration, and I have to say that it has the worst trigger on any firearm I own or have owned... and that includes the 91/30 mosin that was my first firearm, and the M95, who's trigger also sucks. I will add, that the engineers at ruger put no thought into competently designing the firearm for dis assembly and maintenance. If I had it to do again, I would get the buckmark. Sad thing is that looking at the way this was made and the quality, it has soured me on all ruger products.
Anon: I have the exact same gun, and I would say it's the BEST trigger I've ever seen on a gun that is less then $300 out the door. You do have to clean it, my trigger starts feeling gritty after 500-700rnds of cheap bulk pack ammo. As far as disassembly and maint, as I've stated elsewhere.... by replacing the hammer bushing with one from a Mark II ($5) you can eliminate the magazine disconnect. Between that and a little break-in and practice, it takes me about 20 seconds to field strip mine, and 45 seconds to reassemble and function check, and that's not trying to race the clock. The more I look at mine, the more a marvel at how simple, easy to upgrade and well engineered it really is.
May I contribute some stainless Ruger pr0n? Here's my Gov't Target. I decided to have some fun with it so there is an integral supressor in the end of the barrel :-)
Ruger triggers only feel like crap after they get filled with crap. A good cleaning is required. There is an easy to make 'blast shield' out of an old soda can, and it does an excellent job at keeping grunge out of the pivot.
Blastshield detail:
I'll heartily second what Mopar said. I've got a Mk III Target (not the 22/45), and it's one of the best triggers I've ever had. As far as the dis-assembly, I may have complained at first myself, but really, even without removing the magazine disconnect it's not too bad once it's broken in and you've done it a couple of times.
"I will add, that the engineers at ruger put no thought into competently designing the firearm for dis assembly and maintenance."
Keep in mind that when the platform was designed (back in 1949) it was probably one of the easiest semi-autos to take down there was - you didn't really have the "pull a pin, pull the trigger, and it falls apart" designs you have today. There may have been one or two that were easier, but not many. There's no messing with barrel bushings like a 1911, and no loose springs to go flying across the room and get lost forever - each assembly is self contained when you're operating at the "routine field-stripping" level.
I have that same Ruger. Just a little different wood grain on the grips. The only thing I can say though, is that because of the contoured swale for your thumb on the left side grip, I can't use the same weak hand grip that I use on all my other pistols. But it is a tack driver.
The Ruger Mark II with coca bola grips is easily the prettiest in my collection. Also the easist to start with the ladies.
Thanks for the props Jay. Just like I've been saying, it takes perhaps an extra 2 minutes to take down and put back together. I often wonder if the people that complain about these firearms actually own one or repeat internet rumors. You can go to Youtube and watch a Ruger rep perform the take down, cleaning, and assembly if the directions don't do it for you.
I have the same model nearly new Mk III Target Model. Extremely accurate straight out of the box and fitted together so tightly I still need to employ tools to take it down. Once it wears a little I expect the 30 second takedown will be possible.
Now to add to your deliberation. I also have a S&W 22A. From a rest it's as accurate as the Ruger but the trigger is crap. That said, the last young lady I took to the range to learn liked it better because it wasn't as heavy as the Ruger or the S&W 41 she tried. Also keep the screws tight on the top rail, they'll loosen and begin to shift your sight zero.
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