Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Oh HELL Yeah!

Proposal to put Reagan's face on the $50 bill generates controversy
WASHINGTON -- Ronald Reagan is honored by, among other things, an airport, a freeway, an aircraft carrier, and -- ironically for a critic of big government -- one of the biggest federal buildings in Washington.

Now, some of the late president's admirers are launching a new effort to add another honor: printing his likeness on a $50 bill in place of Ulysses S. Grant.

I like it! We could power our homes with the righteous indignation of the left! Imagine the fun you could have! You could go to a bohemian poetry reading and tip with a Reagan $50 and watch the hipster's mind rip in two as he battles the diametrically opposed concepts of lots of money vs. eeeevil Republicans...

Just imagine: It's all about the Ronnies...

That is all.


TheAxe said...

I like Grant on the $50. Reagan was before my time (born in '84) and it seems ther's already plenty of stuff with his name on it. I agree watching hippies' heads explode would be nice but most of the hippies of my generation I've known wouldn't care. Some of my former professors on the other hand...

Alan said...

I think it's a GREAT idea. Grant was a shitty president and Reagan was the best President of the 20th century.

Plus, exploding hippie heads? That's just a nice bonus.

Geodkyt said...

Grant was one of our worst presidencies. (Not becuase Grant was a bad guy, but he had an absolute TALENT for getting taken in by bad actors.)

Reagan was one of our best. Even the Leftists in Washington admitted as much once he was safely dead.

Simple decision.

Top of the Chain said...

Let's win one for the Gipper

Veeshir said...

I was against this but you make a good argument.

I'm flip-flopping and will now support it.

Heck, even the trying will make some heads explode.

Old NFO said...

I'd rather see him on a Gold coin... something that is actually WORTH a real amount!

Grayson said...


I consider this an awesome idea! Considering the hysteria it will precipitate among leftists, liberals and other self-important fools, I can't see any downside. In addition, it will serve as an excellent reminder to ALL Americans of some important historical events in their lifetime.

Now, I know that as a humble Canadian citizen, I don't really have a say (or vote) in this matter, but I want to offer a small suggestion for the U.S. Treasury Department, if I may...

On the front of the bill, Reagan's profile (of course). But on the back of the bill: I want to see an image of Reagan giving the speech at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, June 12th, 1987. The speech that made it clear it was time to bring the Cold War to an end. I want to see these words on that bill:

"Mr. Gorbachev, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!"

The speech that made it clear that, for all his percieved faults, Ronald Reagan was one of the best leaders that the free world has ever had.

Of course, it's only a suggestion.

So, what do you think? And is there anyone out there who might second the motion? Or, anyone have a better idea?

In addition, Old NFO has an outstanding suggestion - Somebody buy that man a beer!


P.S. Exploding hippie heads? Wonderful. We're almost infested with these creatures and they are all allergic to soap.

Anonymous said...

All we really gotta do is wait for a year or so. By time the pos in the (former) white house and his minions get through we will be able to put Ronnie's name on the $5,000 bill - which will be worth MAYBE $5.00...