Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Out of Ideas...

So here's a picture from the AD Pre-Spring Bloggershoot:

Boy, that *is* a cunning hat, isn't it?

A shotgun without a bayonet is like a day without sunshine...

That is all.


Linoge said...

Speaking of, how are the DVDs coming?

Also, random suggestion: Bedlam Bards. Look them up. And if your wife is still enjoying the series (or if you have a thing for female singers, and I obviously do), also look up Marian Call. Good stuff, the both of them.

Jay G said...

We're getting through them, pretty much one episode a week (that's all we seem to have time for).

FWIW, Mrs. G. seems to like the show almost as much if not more than I do - and that's saying a bit...

(Although I doubt she has the same, err, infatuation with Kaylee that I do...)

Steve said...

Since it's a shotgun, shouldn't you, you know, have more than one bayonet?

Even better, affix a motor to the barrel so you can spin, say, four bayonets. That would look badass.