Monday, March 1, 2010

Second Annual Northeast Blogger AD Meet & Greet (& More!)

Okay. Today's the big day. Ambulance Driver will be in-state later on today, and headed straight to the Second Annual Northeast Blogger AD Meet & Greet Dinner tonight (previous updates here, here and here). Figured I'd put up a quick reminder to jog everyone's memory...

What? Northeast Blogger Late Winter AD Meet & Greet (Dinner)

Who? Any and all bloggers, commenters, readers, lurkers, etc. in the Northeast area, or those passing through, or anyone crazy enough to show up.

When? March 1st, 2010. Dinner (appetizers) starting around 6 and leave when they kick us out...

Where? Jake's Dixie Roadhouse, Waltham MA. Ask for the "Jay G. party".

Why? Folks getting together to enjoy good food, great beer, and superlative company. Bring your appetite, a whistle for wetting, and your best stories to tell.

Ambulance Driver
Old Windways
weer'd beard

What? Northeast Blogger Late Winter AD Meet & Greet (Shooting event)

When? March 2nd, 2010. Starting after 9 and leaving when we're frozen solid or before rush hour (3:30 PM)... The club is gated, so either be there at 9 or e-mail me for my cell phone# so someone can be at the gate to let you in when you get there.

Where? Harvard Sportsmen's Club. Ross will be our host.

Why? Do we need a reason to get together and fling lead downrange? I didn't think so...

Ambulance Driver
Old Windways (tentative)
aim & 1

There's still time to get in on either or both events, so let me know!

That is all.


Home on the Range said...

Say hello to all. I missed our last one, as usual, do to having to work unexpectedly. With that group, you all are going to have a great time!

JD said...

Jay, sorry to say I have to bag out. . . family issues came up.

= (

See ya at the next one

Brad_in_IL said...


You mean you didn't put the reservation under the 'AyDee' party? For shame.

Anonymous said...

I'm considering showing up, just because I'm *right there* and have lurked here forever. But, ironically, I might have to be at Harvard Sportsman tonight.

Jay G said...


Will do. You know that if that "werk" thing takes you out east we'll be glad to host a blog meet in your honor, too...


You'll be missed, but we'll catch you at the next one!


Hey, when I made the arrangements I was flyin' down the highway and didn't think that fast... :)


Well, we should be there until they throw us out (or call the cops), so swing on in when you get done!

Anonymous said...

I'll see how things turn out, and may make it at some point.
Also, I highly recommend the Wings of Mass Destruction (if they still have them).