Sunday, March 28, 2010

There, but for the Grace of G-d Go I...

David suffered a terribly tragedy this past weekend, and is strong enough to share it with us.

Go, read his harrowing tale, then ask yourself if it could happen to you.

That is all.


Old NFO said...

Ah...Um.. BREATHE... Too funny, but the underlying piece IS there...

KBCraig said...

Terrible, terrible tragedy.

I've been trying for years (without success) to convince my wife to stop leaving the oven loaded with pizza boxes, clearly within reach of our minor daughter (okay, she's 20 now, but she still lives at home). And no matter how much we've tried oven-proofing the girlwomanchild, she still fires it up without press-checking the door to see if there are leftovers in the cooking chamber.

I wish I had a nickel for every time we've rushed smoking carboard out to the driveway, while the smoke alarms screeched in protest.